24 Unforgettable Quotes From Film History

24 unforgettable quotes from film history

Personally, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t enjoy watching a good movie. Escape from your own life for a while and get involved in the story of others. In this article we will therefore discuss some of the most famous quotes in film history.

…and that park bench, the ice cream parlor on the corner and the lantern that divides the darkness of the night between two streets. We associate places with memories that we don’t want to forget and that connect invisibly with who we are.

Part of the beauty of remembering Paris is that we can always go back to it in our minds to relive it.

These are ideals that have cost many lives, heartbeats that have made it possible for us to live in a better world. Some of these stories are famous and we know very well, but others are anonymous and have been the grains of sand that make up the beaches of things that are quite admired, such as freedom.

The words “darling” are used in this statement, but they might as well be substituted for another name. Sometimes people say things to us that don’t really matter at all, especially when it’s just empty chatter or gossip about someone else.

This phrase is spoken by actor Clark Gable in the movie Gone With the Wind . These are the last words he says to Scarlett O’hara (Vivian Leigh) towards the end of the film, when Scarlett asks Rhett, “Where shall I go? What shall I do?” the moment he leaves her. Rhett responds with the famous statement above and then closes the door behind him.

This statement from the mother of the great Forrest Gump is without a doubt one of the most beautiful and clearly expressed definitions of all time. In this statement we can recognize a generally ignored reality that a large part of the decisions we make in life are made blindly. And at the same time, life is described as a box of chocolates, a sweet present! 

In the movie Gran Torino, Walt Kowalski makes this statement when he confronts three young men who normally act out of intimidation. With this statement, he not only gets their attention, but also lets them know that he will not be intimidated and that he knows them.

It’s not really normal to see dead people, but it’s much more normal to see things that don’t exist. Our senses are far from infallible and they not only omit certain feelings, but in some cases they will even invent feelings!

The sixth sense has become popular as the sense that collects unknown information in an unknown way and as the sense that influences our decisions. Sometimes we call it our intuition.

For many of us, this is just a science fiction movie, but for others, it’s the best friendship story ever told on the big screen.


May the Force always be with our dear readers, for the Force will be what will help us stand every day of our lives.

We’ve picked just a few phrases to talk about, but we’ll leave you with 16 more quotes recommended by the  American Film Institute (AFI):

1. “I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.”  – The Godfather

“I will make him an offer he cannot refuse.”

2. “You don’t understand! I could’ve had class. I could’ve been a contender. I could’ve been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am.”  On the Waterfront

“You do not understand! I could have had class. I could have joined. I could have been someone, instead of a good-for-nothing, which I am now.”

3. “As God is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again.”  – Gone With the Wind

“With God as a witness, I will never go hungry again.”

4. “My precious…”   – Lord of the Rings

“My favorite…”

5. “Oh Captain, my Captain . . .” – Dead Poets Society

“O Captain, my captain…”

6. “Wax on, wax off.” – Karate Kid 

“Clean up, polish off.”

7. “Houston, we have a problem.” -Apollo 13

“Houston, we have a problem.”

8. “Fasten your seat belts. It’s going to be a bumpy night.” – All About Eve

“Put your seat belts on. It’s going to be a bumpy night.”

9. “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” – The Godfather

“Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer.”

10. “What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”  – Cool Hand Luke

“We are dealing here with an inability to communicate.”

11. “A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.”  – Lord of the Rings

“A wizard is never too late, nor too early, he arrives exactly when he wants.”

12. “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”  – Love Story

“Love means you never have to say sorry.”

13. “The stuff that dreams are made of.” – The Maltese Falcon  

“What dreams are made of.”

14. “Made it, Mom! Top of the world!”  – White Heat

“I made it, Mom! I’m on top!

15. “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”  – Network

“I’m flabbergasted and I can’t take this any longer!”

16. “Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”  – Casablanca

Louis, I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship.”

Now we want to know about you, dear readers. What are your favorite quotes from movies?

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