50 Little Ways You Can Be Brave

50 Little Ways You Can Be Brave

When you were little, you must have been a fan of a superhero or a character who fought against the bad guys with a cape, sword or superpower. Or maybe you thought of your father as the one who would save you from everything. But what happens when we grow up? Are we not so brave anymore ? Do we feel better when we are in a group and prefer not to stand out? Would we rather not take the law into our own hands, hoping that the law will save us?

It’s hard to be brave. Bravery doesn’t necessarily mean fighting bad guys or a fire-breathing dragon, but it’s easier to go with the crowd.

It’s enough to take control of what happens to us (at least in the beginning). Courage isn’t just about the exploits that make the news. Being brave also means taking risks, trying something new,  not being afraid that something will go wrong and so on.


How do you develop courage every day?

You don’t have to become just like a Marvel character or part of the Justice League from the DC Comics by wiping out all the evil in your city. Every day you have opportunities to be a little braver. If you do it step by step, it will be much easier for you.

Do you want to know how? Note the following guidelines. You don’t have to follow any order, but you can always add a new item to your list of habits while also remembering which ones you’ve already learned through practice. Are you ready for it?

  1. Give yourself permission to feel.
  2. Set aside anyone who disappoints you.
  3. Look in the mirror and emphasize the positive aspects you see.
  4. Tell someone you love them (if you really do).
  5. Preach what you love or what your passion is.
  6. Write your own story, not someone else’s.
  7. Share your ideas, even if they’re crazy.
  8. Have your say, even if they’re different.
  9. Go out for a day without makeup.
  10. Allow yourself to be wrong.
  11. Trust your senses and instinct.
  12. Try to do something for the first time.
  13. Set limits on people, activities, or things.
  14. Start something you’ve always put off.
  15. Sing in the middle of the street (and if you sing out of tune that’s even better).
  16. Dance on your way to work.
  17. Play an instrument (even if you’ve never done it before).
  18. Go shopping with a skateboard or roller skates.
  19. Tolerate discomfort or inconvenience.
  20. Make a lot of mistakes.
  21. Say “I don’t know”.
  22. Ask for help if you can’t do something.
  23. Show your vulnerability every now and then.
  24. Tackle your problems.
  25. Let go of the past.
  26. Take pictures of yourself.
  27. Trust a crazy idea.
  28. Support a friend who is in trouble.
  29. Say goodbye to an abusive relationship that doesn’t make you feel good.
  30. Say goodbye to your fears.
  31. Tell someone about your nightmares.
  32. Stand up to prejudice.
  33. Don’t do things you don’t want to do.
  34. Don’t say what you don’t feel or think.
  35. Wear clothes that you like, regardless of the fashion.
  36. Be the one to take the first step after an argument.
  37. Give a stranger a flower or something sweet.
  38. Don’t try to control everything.
  39. Love your madness.
  40. Ask someone how he or she is feeling and don’t interrupt.
  41. Don’t react negatively when someone criticizes you.
  42. Give someone you love a hug.
  43. Praise yourself by saying nice things about yourself, your achievements, or your appearance.
  44. Allow yourself to be a little less busy for a day or two.
  45. Open yourself up to new things.
  46. Start again, as often as necessary.
  47. Ask for feedback from the people around you.
  48. Be like a kid and have fun.
  49. Talk to the person you like and ask them out.
  50. Set up a conversation with your boss and tell him or her how you feel.

Remember that being  brave is not a lack of fear, but knowing that you can overcome it.

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