Create A Better Curriculum Vitae With The 7 Best Tips

Create a better curriculum vitae with the 7 best tips

In today’s world it is difficult to find a job that makes you happy. All the competition and demands of an increasingly selective labor market can leave us questioning our capabilities. Information is constantly being released on how to improve your curriculum vitae. But it is not always clear which steps are really worthwhile.

Designing a striking curriculum vitae is not easy. You look around and you see how people use all kinds of new techniques. CV videos and graphic templates can be easily found online.

But a better curriculum vitae isn’t based on what it looks like, though you might think so. Yes, it is important that you present something in an attractive way. But it is also important that the content does not disappoint. If the message is not good, then colors and font will have little value.

In this article we give you good advice to make a better curriculum vitae. Some advice will be familiar to you. But some will be completely new to you. It is important that you take advantage of these tips so that you can show the world what you are capable of!

7 Fundamental Tips for a Better Curriculum Vitae

1. No Lies

It seems obvious that you don’t write lies in your CV. But fake resumes are actually a phenomenon that is very widespread. People are adding jobs they didn’t have. They lie about the position they had or they make up achievements. All this can have dire consequences. It’s not just embarrassing. It is also wrong.

Being honest is not only a virtue but it is also intelligent. If your bosses or the interviewers find out that you lied about something important, they will start to distrust you. Nobody likes having unreliable employees in their company. So try not to give that impression.

A better curriculum vitae

2. Distinguish yourself from others

The recommendation is that you emphasize something important that sets you apart from others. This isn’t just about what your resume looks like (which we’ve already mentioned above) but also about your skills. Learn a second language, highlight specific training and add your volunteer work.

The problem with almost all resumes is that they are very similar. Years ago, Dutch and English were the only languages ​​you needed. But now that is no longer the case. The more original your career path is, the more curiosity you will arouse among potential employers.

3. A suitable length

Your CV should not be too long or too short. Point out that you have worked for the same company for many years rather than for many companies and for short periods of time each time. Because the latter gives a picture of instability.

Don’t put too much information in your resume about your school or university unless your achievements have been remarkable. You should also delete all banal data. The ideal length of a curriculum vitae is one to two pages.

4. Don’t list your hobbies in your resume

In an effort to bond with their interviewer, many people write too much personal information in their resume. That’s not just a mistake. But it also gives an unprofessional impression. Outline the goals in your life or what you want to achieve with this particular job, but be brief.

Also, try not to use terms or phrases that only you are familiar with. Strive to find a middle ground between obedience and confidentiality without resorting to extremes.

5. Include letters of recommendation

Many jobs require letters of recommendation. It can sometimes be difficult to obtain them, especially if you have not had contact with former teachers for a long time. If they are still in practice, it is best to ask them for an appointment.

The same thing happens with past bosses. In this case it will be easier provided they still have their job. But not all companies consider these letters an indispensable requirement.

Have your curriculum vitae proofread

6. Have it proofread

You should absolutely avoid mistakes in grammar and spelling. That’s why you should review or have your curriculum vitae reviewed so you can avoid mistakes that could cost you the job. This recommendation may seem obvious. Yet there are too many people who forget. A curriculum full of errors shows that you are sloppy or uneducated. And companies don’t want to hire someone like that.

7. Volunteering earns you points

Often it is not necessary for you to mention volunteer work in your CV. But it is highly recommended. You then provide insight into experiences that may be relevant. Plus, having spent time volunteering is a plus. Find a cause that interests you and volunteer for a few months. You will learn a lot and you may decide to stay for a longer period of time.

Every company is attracted to an employee who is committed to social causes. In this way, you demonstrate integrity and concern for others. It will improve not only your career but also your life.

In conclusion, we would like to emphasize one more thing. Your curriculum vitae is a very important part of the application process. But it’s not the only thing. So try not to fill your CV with trivial details. Provide honest information and be committed to worthwhile causes.

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