You Can Put Pride Aside

You can put pride aside

We can say goodbye to our pride, but we must never lose our dignity for anything or anyone. In this case, we would lose ourselves, hurt our self-love and our integrity.

If it is true that everyone has to make their own self-confidence worth something, then this value is not valid if it is at the expense of others. Therefore, we must know how to recognize acts that damage our image and make our dignity vulnerable.

Despite the fact that it is not the presence or absence of our dignity that determines whether or not we will find love or true friendships, it is true that relationships based on dignity will be more sincere, freer, stronger and more respectful . To find these types of relationships, we must first develop self-esteem.

To swing

Love or affection is not begged

Have you ever felt as if you were practically begging for the attention and affection of someone who showed you nothing but selfishness and indifference? The answer to this question is most likely yes. The fact is that we can all easily fall victim to people who feel the need to undervalue others.


Dignity and pride, two medals with different faces

The message we want to convey is: ‘Don’t lose someone because of pride, but don’t lose your dignity for another’ . However, the distinction between pride and dignity is quite vague.

Therefore, we must keep our ego at bay. When our ego is too strong, it will convert our dignity into pride. An empty, intolerant, harmful and unjust sense of superiority.

Dignity reflects our ability to deal with ourselves in a just and balanced way, without heeding the pretexts and blackmail imposed on us. In other words, being worthy means respecting yourself and those around you, while at the same time keeping the right distance to keep everything in balance.

Therefore, we must respect ourselves and maintain our dignity and lose it for nothing or no one else. In that case, we would lose ourselves to someone who doesn’t deserve us at all.

Girl with Bird

Why it’s important to value yourself so you don’t hurt others

Self-loving people often behave more cohesively and caring than people who lack self-esteem. A person who loves himself sees it as a terrible thing to hurt others.

In other words, the fact that we think we have behaved towards someone else in an immoral way distorts our identity as a person who usually behaves well and positively towards others in such a way that we want to go to great lengths to resolve the situation and prevent something similar from happening again.

On the other hand, people who don’t think about themselves often don’t mind being mean to others, since these people value themselves less and therefore don’t have to maintain a good idea about themselves.

This explains why people who often have a tendency to take advantage of others and to undermine the dignity of others almost always do so without being burdened by their conscience. In that sense, we can say that there is something really wrong inside of these people.


Either way, the wound will eventually close again. What is important, however, is that a scab forms on the inside. We use this metaphor because it can give us an idea of ​​how a part of us gets ripped apart when someone lets us down.

While dignity won’t prevent us from ever getting hurt, keeping our identity strong and present will help us deal with things like that someone has abandoned us, that we’ve been fired, or that a friend has called us. disappointed.

A righteous and authentic person will be a worthy person who, despite some things hurting him, will always keep moving forward, looking ahead and holding his head high. This person knows who he is and what he is worth, even if there are negative things or people who want him to believe the opposite.


Let’s just say that even if we never be ourselves again, painful situations like this invite us to solidify and empower our dignity and personal identity. We will not be less affected or hurt, but our way of escaping the situation will ensure that less collateral damage is done.

Typically, our brains chime to signal that it’s time for a goodbye or a change when we feel compelled to choose between our dignity and lack of it. This is mainly because, as we mentioned earlier, we cannot deny our emotional health for anything or anyone.

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