Dealing With Hypersensitive People

Dealing with hypersensitive people

Some people walk their whole lives on eggshells so that their words and actions don’t strike the wrong chord with hypersensitive people. But when statements like “I’m sorry” and “don’t get mad” become a daily occurrence in your life, all you do is slow self-destruction.

In a sense, we are all like spinning tops in a crowded room. Sometimes we touch, and that’s normal. But in the nervous dance of relationships, we sometimes meet people who have very thin skin. They are so sensitive that they have actually stepped on their toes on the assembly line.

We are, of course, talking about hypersensitive people. They are experts in suffering and in spreading this suffering. They tend to exhibit victimization, insecurity, and a lack of self-esteem. They are slaves to the opinions of others, and they constantly make others feel guilty.

You have to be careful when you build an emotional relationship with this type of person because you will have to pay attention to every little detail throughout your life, choosing your words, gestures and actions carefully so that he or she will never feel offended or worried .

That is, until, of course, you eventually gradually destroy your own self-confidence by constantly saying ‘sorry, it’s my fault’ . Avoid this kind of dynamic.

Hypersensitive People

When their anger makes you feel guilty

“Don’t get mad, it won’t happen again.” “Keep calm, really, don’t get mad, it was my fault.” When you have to constantly make such statements, you have probably become completely lost in a complicated psychological maze. You have to apologize to soften the offense, which is almost always unjustified. You may even think it’s better to take the blame if that appeases their anger.

However, living with all that weight on your shoulders will eventually rob you more and more of your emotional integrity every day. This is known as ‘defensive guilt’, a mechanism often used by victims of emotional blackmail to protect themselves from powerlessness.

This is undoubtedly a pretty complicated subject. Keep in mind that hypersensitive people are extremely vulnerable. Despite the fact that their low self-esteem causes them to interpret things through the lens of victimization, keep in mind that they can also become extremely aggressive at times.

Hypersensitive People

Relationships with these types of people eventually become almost a kind of ritual. Everything will go well as long as you give in, bow your head, and honor them with everything you do and say. This way you will prevent the demon of sensitivity from rearing its head.

When you’re stuck in this cycle, if you don’t respond to it, you’ll be like a vulnerable moth flying around the flame. You will keep doing it until it slowly starts to burn your wings.

How to avoid the influence of a poisonous companion

How do you deal with a hypersensitive person?

You don’t have to run or break up without fighting for them first. You’ll regret trying to isolate yourself from the other person before you do anything to change the situation. It’s always better to do everything you can before making a more radical decision. If you love that person, fight for him or her. If the fight turns out to be in vain, then there is no option but to isolate yourself in order to save your personal and emotional integrity.

It’s worth noting that in the 1990s, a series of studies on hypersensitivity found it to be not a disorder, but a character trait. To better understand this, you need to be able to distinguish between the different types of sensitivity that exist.

The first type of sensitivity is focused on the feelings of other people. The person is able to feel and empathize with another person’s emotions. The other type, hypersensitivity, focuses on one’s own feelings in response to others. It always comes in the form of self-defense.

Hypersensitive People

Strategies to deal with hypersensitive people

Never adjust to that person’s craziness, obsessions, or worries. If you obsessively try to avoid making the other person angry to the point of controlling every little detail to keep them from exploding, you will lose everything.

Let him understand that if he is always offended about something, he will only make himself unhappy and drive others away from him.

Think before passing judgment or telling him your opinion. Think about how tired you get of being his dartboard, of taking the blame, of being the scarecrow who protects him and keeps him calm.

You need to be able to boost his self-esteem, but also make sure he cares about yours. His skin is very thin, but your skin is already too scarred.

Above all, ask for recognition and respect. Because eventually you will get tired of walking through the minefield where one misstep can cause the other to explode with anger and resentment. No one can be in a constant state of alertness and endless stress every day. Life is too short to live in fear.

Dear diary, sorry to bother you again: low self-confidence

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