Find What You Love And Let It Take Over

Find what you love and let it take over

Finding what you love goes far beyond what we can understand through reason. Here I invite you to feel what you feel, what you live and what you experience.

Thinking too much can turn anything beautiful and sublime into a problem. We complicate our existence because we try to control everything and give meaning to everything. We strive for convenience, comfort, safety and stability. We lose ourselves in this quest that keeps us from seeing or accepting life as it really is.

We live with the fear of losing what we believe is ours. We live in fear, thinking we can somehow avoid pain and not have to feel our old wounds. We live with the hope that we can escape suffering, when we ourselves are the only thing we are really running from.


Life is a gift

That which we love can be found everywhere. We don’t have to look for it. Love comes when we are brave enough to simply admire things as they are, without constantly trying to find an explanation for everything.

We marvel at and admire the beauty of other people, of art, nature, ideas, attitudes, aromas, tastes, embraces and words… To see and feel beauty, we must calm our minds and open our senses. After all, we experience through our senses and not through our reason.

Fears, opinions, demands, uncertainties, expectations… All of this holds us back. Only if we learn how to calm the mind and be guided by our feelings, without any fear, will we be able to truly comprehend the beauty that exists in the world. Finding what we love may just turn out to be much simpler than we ever imagined.

Feeling passion for what you love

In our lives we all experience innocent beauty. As children we were the keepers of the most precious secrets of existence: the ability to be amazed, to admire everything around us, to be endlessly excited to discover and experiment and to know how to see without to grab.

In our adult life there are many mental barriers that we have built up over time and we encounter many obstacles, some of them self-imposed, in our path to discovering what we love.

To enjoy

Love is a form of being

Love is a form of being, it is what is learned through experience, it is how we relate to the world, it is the attitude we have towards life. It is the trajectory we have followed and our personal growth. It is that which enables us to find what we love. When we overflow with energy, we find a passion that is satisfying and filling us completely.

Having passion for what we do fills our daily life with love. It is the passion with which we relate to ourselves and to others. Passion for life is a state in which we feel complete happiness and complete ecstasy in every moment.

So, find what you love and let it take over. Immerse yourself in it and sincerely let yourself feel its essence.

It’s worth feeling that passion for life, if only for a moment. To behold the beauty of things without comparing them to anything else, without interfering and without the need to explain or name. Simply behold, admire, enjoy and love.

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