4 Negative Attitudes To Avoid In The Workplace

Discover the four negative attitudes to avoid at work, plus some positive ones to counteract them.
4 negative attitudes to avoid in the workplace

In this article, we’ll discuss four negative attitudes to avoid at work, attitudes that directly affect your performance, and good team spirit at work. We also look at some attitudes and qualities that will have a very positive effect on you and your colleagues.

4 negative attitudes to avoid at work

Here are the four negative work attitudes to avoid at work:

  • pride
  • arrogance
  • self overestimation
  • stubbornness
A woman is mad at her laptop


Pride isn’t exactly an attitude that arouses much sympathy. In fact, people who think they are superior to others tend to be rejected by those around them.

Even if they try to hide it with false humility, they will always show their true nature in the end, and false humility is an even uglier quality.


In behavioral terms, perhaps the most striking attitude here is arrogance, the systematic disregard for other people’s arguments and opinions. There is also a connection here with pride, the first attitude we discussed.

Self overestimation

This is also very similar to the previous two negative attitudes. In fact, we can see self-overestimation as a manifestation or a consequence of arrogance. This is someone who thinks he is better than others, and his arrogance means he doesn’t care what others have to say.


This negative attitude refers to people who find it difficult, or refuse, to change their views or opinions. In the workplace, these are the people who see only their opinions and ideas as valid . However, people always work much better together when they listen to the opinions and ideas of others.

A meeting at work

Positive attitudes to nullify negative attitudes

A good working environment is something that (almost) everyone appreciates. Many positive work attitudes can counteract and nullify the four negative work attitudes we have mentioned.

Resolving conflicts and problems

Knowing how to respond to potential problems that may arise at work is a real asset, not only for your company but also for yourself.

Creativity and initiative

Sometimes you don’t share your ideas with others for fear of what others will say. However, creativity and initiative are two highly valued attitudes in many companies.


This is without a doubt one of the most valued skills when working in a business. Interviews often test a candidate’s attitude to teamwork to see how he or she might work with others in the company.

Being able to work well with other people and be part of a team to get the job done is a very positive asset for any company.

Tolerance of Criticism

Criticism usually doesn’t sit well with people. It is not pleasant when someone from outside questions your work. In many cases, however, the comments can be constructive and help you do your job more effectively.


Sometimes you will be able to make changes in your work environment according to your wishes. In other cases, these changes are not possible and you will have to adapt to the situation.


Planning, and doing it right, is one of the skills that can best help reduce stress in the work environment.

It’s a skill that can help us build a good list of priorities and then use it to make the right decisions at the right time. Using and following a work calendar correctly can save you a lot of time and resources.

In summary, you have seen how a negative work attitude can affect the workplace, but you have also seen how you can also have a positive effect on all the people around you. Make it a goal to put them into practice!

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