Getting Up Early With Ease: Five Strategies

Getting up early with ease: five strategies

You have probably heard this saying, “The morning has gold in its mouth.” And so it is. The people who take advantage of those precious early hours of the day really seem to reach their daily goals earlier. The only drawback is that you have to get out of bed earlier. Not everyone can get up early with ease, so we share five strategies to help them (you) do this.

First of all, keep in mind that getting up early is a battle fought in two ways. You have to prepare your body well and you have to find a way to wake up your sleepy mind. We therefore recommend developing a routine that focuses on organization and foresight.

For example, it can help to prepare a few things for the next day the night before, such as your meals.

Research conducted by the University of Toronto and the Rotman Research Institute in Canada shows that people who get up early are happier and healthier. The study found that early birds are generally healthier and more satisfied with their lives than night owls. This is because they find it easier to adapt to the natural wake/sleep cycle.

You can easily get up early if you have enough discipline and willpower. However, we also recommend a few strategies to make it even easier for you.

Get up early with ease with the following strategies

Get a good night’s sleep

The struggle to get up early isn’t just mental. It also has an important physical component: rest. Hence, not only the quality of your sleep is important, but also the amount.

Therefore, make sure you go to bed earlier instead of staying up late. Also pay attention to your diet and your level of exercise. How you are in general physically has a lot of influence on your sleeping habits and your energy level.

Woman is sleeping well

Go to bed 30-60 minutes earlier than you normally would

One of the main reasons why people fail to fall asleep when they go to bed early, in addition to their bodies not producing enough melatonin, is that their minds are too active.

Some people’s minds are so active that they have to distract themselves. They listen to music, turn on the radio or watch television until they fall asleep.

You need time to relax and let the worries of the day disappear. One of the ways you can do this is by reading. You may think you don’t have time to read after a busy day, but don’t worry. After just twenty minutes of reading, you will notice that your eyes and your body are getting tired.

Set goals for the next day

If taking a quick shower and then going straight to work is all you have on the schedule in the morning, then it’s not surprising that you’re not motivated to get out of bed. Your morning tasks should be exciting to you. If not, then it’s no wonder you’d rather just stay in bed.

We therefore recommend that you make a list. Write down all the things you want to do the next day. Things like running, watching an episode of your favorite series, seeing your family, etc. are all good examples. Just setting some goals will make it easier for you to get out of bed with ease.

Do it gradually

If you want to get up a lot earlier from now on, do it gradually. First, get up fifteen minutes earlier than before two days in a row. Then try to get up a little earlier for a few days and so on. This can help because realistic and achievable goals make you feel like you’re achieving something. You do what you set out to do and you are on your way to success.

Get up early with ease with an alarm clock

Develop the right routine

What you do and what happens before bedtime often determines the quality of your sleep. We therefore recommend that you stop doing certain small things. This will allow you to get up early in the future with ease.

  • Do not exercise for at least three hours before going to bed.
  • Don’t drink caffeine after 2pm.
  • Stop using electronic devices 30 minutes before bedtime.
  • Do not drink alcohol right before going to bed.
  • Try not to eat anything from two hours before going to bed.

In short, your body can certainly adapt to the habit of getting up early. At some point it will come naturally and you won’t have to put in any effort. Using these strategies, we all become early risers with ease. 

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