More Information, Less Intelligence

Today, more information is available to you. You can find answers to any question with just one click. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of nonsense that in many cases makes you less intelligent and more vulnerable to manipulation. This is mainly due to the controversy surrounding it.
More information, less intelligence

Access to more information is one of the biggest transformations brought about by the technological revolution. It introduced the concept of an “information society.” The annoying thing about this is that a large part of society has not been enriched by this progress. On the contrary, man shows a deterioration of his mental process, less intelligence.

Being part of the information and knowledge age doesn’t just mean knowing how to operate a computer or a smartphone. If there is no intelligence behind the operation of such devices, then the devices will eventually control the intelligence of a person. Unfortunately, this is exactly what has happened to many people.

Worst of all, there is a lot of information out there and a lot of people really think they are better informed. They think they really know something about different topics just because they can read a little about it on the internet and talk about what they find. Unfortunately for the world, not many people care about truthfulness.

A woman drinks coffee and works on her computer

The “World Wide Web”

The Internet is not only a network of information and communication, but also a vast culture. So it is full of irrelevant information that is constantly bombarded to the users. The amount of data is so great that it seems almost impossible to distinguish them. So you just deal with it.

You can back up pretty much anything you want with information from the internet. If you’re trying to prove the devil exists, there are at least 15,000 records that support it. There is an investigation, testimony, or evidence, for almost everything, even if much of it lacks validity.

Despite all the positives of the internet, it has gradually become a space of distraction, rather than information. As a result, information no longer has the truth filter that it used to have. Yes, there is more information now, but the disturbing thing is that much of it is fake and designed to distract you.

Information, knowledge and wisdom

Good information is data that forms the basis from which you can build real knowledge. However, when there is more information of low quality, this process is truncated or people misrepresent. For example, fake data leads to fake knowledge and, for obvious reasons, to fake conscience. This is exactly what happens to large segments of society.

It is for this reason that wisdom is becoming increasingly scarce in today’s world. This is because it needs awareness and ethics as a foundation, built on relevant knowledge and information. Wisdom is not there where there is more information, but when you filter the good from the bad. Good information leads to deeper knowledge and enables you to understand the essence of things.

What can be found on the internet today is a superficial approximation of the different realities. For example, the mind quickly passes over it and does not analyze or criticize it. People multitask and forget what they are learning, so they let others analyze the information for them. This way you know what your values ​​and priorities are.

A woman with three electronic devices

More information and less intelligence

It can be concluded from all of the above that there is much more information available today. Somehow it creates less intelligence. This is largely due to the attitudes that fuel the virtual world.

For example, patience is now an exotic virtue and people don’t think or explain much anymore because it takes up too much of the time they spend looking at cute cat pictures. Thus hasty learning cannot lead to wisdom.

Wise people fix their eyes on the riddles and don’t look for the answers in Wikipedia. They enjoy observing, analyzing and reflecting. Most people do not want to enter the labyrinths of the great mysteries and formulate great questions. They especially want to find the recipe, the appropriate formula, the numbered list and the timely data.

Awareness is no longer important to many. This is because most people are too busy all the time, even when they are sleeping. After all, people no longer think that they should think, but only say and do. Even when what they say or do is of no importance and is just a way of wasting their time. In other words, to live their lives.

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