Visualization Meditation: Five Exercises To Try

Visualization Meditation: Five Exercises to Try

Relaxing your mind has countless benefits, both for our physical and mental health. It allows us to regain our internal balance by listening to ourselves and finding harmony between body and soul. What if we could reap these benefits through our imagination? This is  visualization meditation.

It is a creative way to do mental exercises and increase our well-being.

Imagination is creating, it is immersing yourself in a world you do not know and crossing your boundaries. Thanks to the power of our imagination, we can shape our own reality.

This is why using visualization in meditation practice is so beneficial. Even professionals, from athletes to various types of artists and important business people, use it.

Visualization Meditation: Techniques to Combat Anxiety

Visualization is a technique people use to reduce anxiety. In short, it is a tool that people use to achieve a level of complete relaxation by reducing the physical arousal/stimulants we feel when we are anxious.

Woman enjoys the outdoors

The following visualization-meditation techniques allow us to calm ourselves and experience that tranquility that we sometimes miss. In addition, they help us to openly face new challenges, opportunities, sensations and future joys.

The first thing to do is find a comfortable place where you can feel calm and find peace in silence. Once in this spot, start taking slow, deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Then perform one of the following exercises:


The color gamut analyzes the perceptions, behavior and sensations that colors evoke. So imagining our bodies full of colorful light can be a good way to attract emotions.

For this exercise, we are supposed to take a deep breath while imagining that we are surrounded by a light that changes color…

While doing this, we need to focus on the physical sensations we experience with each color. How does each color make you feel? Next, imagine that you are a green light and that you are in complete harmony.

muscle tension

After a long day at work, we can often feel our whole body hurt. To relieve your pain, you can use this visualization meditation exercise. For this exercise, lie or sit on the floor and target your most tense muscles.

Next, imagine that there is a knot that will not let you move freely and that you have to untie with your mind. Keep your attention on each part of the knot as you breathe and visualize it loosening up. The fibers will slowly untangle until the knot is completely untied.

Apply this exercise to every tense muscle in your body as needed.

Active Memory

You’ve had a rough day. Everything has happened. This exercise will help you relax. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and go back to the beginning of your day. Visualize your night’s sleep, your breakfast, how you said good morning to your family… The goal is to relive those thoughts and sensations as if you were back in that moment.

Once you’ve recreated each moment as vividly as possible, turn your attention to the moments you’ve experienced as less enjoyable to help your mind release them. Then focus again on the present moment, on the here and now.

Woman smells flower

soap bubbles

This visualization meditation practice is one of the most comprehensive, as it combines two senses: sight and sound. To perform it, imagine that you are in a quiet, lonely, and dark place. In that place you are surrounded by a sense of peace. After a while you will hear a light and pleasant eruption.

This sound was a small bubble bursting right next to you. Immediately afterwards you will hear another bubble on your left. Then another one above your head. Gradually, bubbles begin to burst all around your body, all with the same intensity and subtlety. With every bubble that bursts you feel more relaxed…

Confronting the Unknown

What extends beyond what we know? What will our future look like? What experiences does life have in store for us in a few years’ time? Confronting all this uncertainty is easier if you visualize yourself in a dark enclosed room in a forest.

Outside the wind is blowing and hungry animals are walking around. The next step is to close your eyes and focus on what you’re feeling. Is it fear? Concern? Hold the feeling for a few minutes and then slowly release it.

Now imagine a doorway and see how you find a way out of the room. You start running towards it and suddenly you find yourself in the forest, in the same situation as before. What emotions do you feel? After you identify them, you will be able to see a road stretching out in front of you.

You decide to follow this path and escape and gradually you feel less tension. You are safe, calm and at ease. All you have to do is enjoy this feeling and connect with it.

Visualization meditation can be performed anytime, anywhere. All you need to do is focus and develop your creative abilities to feel that relief you so often need.

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