The INFP Personality According To Carl Jung

The INFP personality according to Carl Jung

According to the theories of Carl Jung, the profile of the INFP personality is that of idealistic and sensitive people. They are described as healers because they are concerned with their own well-being and the well-being of others.

People with an INFP personality are introverted, intuitive and perceptive. According to Carl Jung, they are also sensitive, creative and independent. Moreover, they are also often sociable and compassionate idealists. For this reason, these people are mediators. After all, they ensure their own personal growth and also promote the growth of others.

Carl Jung’s book,  Psychological Types,  and his theories on personality made a breakthrough. During the era when psychology was still a new field, the famous Swiss psychiatrist wanted to establish the foundations of a personality model. It was based on a special but revolutionary approach.

He introduced the concepts of introvert and extrovert. However, he proposed that these dimensions are the result of a continuum. In this continuum subjective and perceptual phenomena can intermingle with each other.

Based on this, we understand that no one is totally “introverted” or “extroverted”. We are all rather in a spectrum that is made up of other forms of dynamics and essential aspects.

Personality Typologies

Carl Jung’s theory of personality consists of eight typologies. Decades later, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator popped up. It was composed of 16 subtypes within those typologies. These models are not as popular as other models such as Raymond Cattell’s 16PF questionnaire.

Nevertheless, studies have shown that Jung’s theory is a very effective tool for self-reflection. An example is the research conducted by David J. Pittinger of Marshall University. In this article, we are talking about the INFP personality.

Personality Typologies

What are the characteristics of the INFP personality?

According to the Myers-Briggs model, the INFP personality results from the interaction between four basic dimensions:

  • Introversion: The way they use and channel their energy, attention, thoughts, and interaction.
  • Intuition: The one on which they process their reality from which they come to decisions and appreciate the small details.
  • Feeling: People with an INFP personality tend to base their decisions on their feelings.
  • Perception: When it comes to organizing and reacting to their environment, they act spontaneously and always rely on this basic dimension.

This profile type corresponds to the abbreviation INFP ( Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perception).  Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers are the designers of this measuring instrument.

They described it as a healing typology. This means that people with the INFP personality are idealistic individuals who want to bring happiness. They also promote their own personal growth and that of others.

Now let’s take a closer look at some of the traits that define the INFP personality.

They are idealists who see the good in the world

The authors of this questionnaire point out that only 4% of the population is INFP.

  • They are people who live according to their ideals. They believe in the natural goodness of the world.
  • However, that idealism is not passive. This profile also implies a firm but tacit involvement.
  • They are introverted people. Few therefore know the depths of their ideals or of their personal commitment.
  • They do not hesitate to chart their own personal path based on these principles. However, many people do not understand them or do not really know them.

People with an INFP personality are ethical and compassionate

It is clear to them what is good and what is not. They also don’t hesitate to hold on to their beliefs. They show respect, compassion and consideration for others. They do this through simple but profound actions. In addition, they are calm and discreet.

Ethical and Compassionate Personality


We can say that people with an INFP personality are sensitive yet sure of themselves. Moreover, they are introverted and reserved while never being indecisive when they have to make decisions.

They do this based on their intuition because they trust their inner voice. The reason they do it that way is that they are idealists and believe that the world in its purest form is noble and good.

Artistic, sensitive and carefree

The INFP personality is usually focused on art, writing, and photography. After all, these are means by which the person can express his emotions, ideals and their self-assured and optimistic inner world.

They are very sensitive individuals themselves. As a result, they appreciate small details and sensations. They also know how to connect with people in a simple yet magical way. These people are not great talkers. However, they are good at listening, supporting others and being there when they are really needed.

On the other hand, we should also mention that they like to act in an instinctive way. They don’t need to plan things in advance or carry an agenda with them. They don’t need to organize things or plan tasks. Hence their home and office are somewhat disorganized. That’s because they prioritize other things.

The INFP personality, artistic, sensitive and carefree

Finally, we summarize. So we have seen that the INFP personality consists of idealism, goodness and artistic interests. These people are also often disappointed. The reason is that they continue to stimulate and sustain their expectations of the world and the people who populate the world. This is precisely what leads to disappointments.

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