A Quiet Life Can Be A Happy Life

A quiet life can be a happy life

Our culture seems to be very focused on passion and dreams. For example, if you take a look at the most popular TV programs, you will see that these are the programs in which people strive for the opportunity to make their dreams come true.

The idea that we have to be successful, be number one, do better than another, achieve what no one has ever achieved before or fulfill a dream is incredibly widespread and almost seems like an obligation. Nobody ever talks about the price that often has to be paid for this, let alone the fact that we can also have other kinds of goals. After all, pursuing a peaceful life is also an option.

The ego’s constant desire to be special

Having a gift and a talent is not always a blessing; it doesn’t necessarily make you happy. In today’s society it seems that if you can do something well, you have to use it, make it available to those who want to use it and make money from it.


The same thing happens with people of great intellectual ability. The more intelligent a person is, the more he will be urged to “get a good job” or choose that more difficult study. It may seem too crazy for words, but their options are limited by the prevailing notion that they should not ‘waste’ their talent for learning. Being happy can become something that is a waste of talent.

Perhaps one day we will teach our children that the answer to the question ‘ What do you want to be when you grow up?’ for no reason does it have to be the same as the answer to the question ‘ What kind of job do you want to have when you grow up?’

Not achieving everything you wish for can be a blessing

It is easy to dream of a happy and wonderful life, full of personal and professional recognition, great luxuries that you can afford thanks to your great job and an abundance of opportunities to have a dream life, a life as we see on TV. In fact, we often believe that this is how it should be.

But getting what we want or what is expected of us is often such an obsession for us that we forget a lot of things that still matter. In our quest for success, we put tremendous pressure on ourselves, our personal relationships will be affected by the achievement of our goals, and we tend to neglect our emotional and even spiritual side.

Relaxed and Stressed

Surely you can think of examples of people who have reached the top, who have managed to overcome an awful lot, who are experts in their field, but who have pushed their physical strength and common sense to the limit, not to mention agree on their health. People who are under constant pressure and who, for one reason or another, have no other option but to keep going, despite everything… people who have no chance to change.

You can probably think of examples of people who, for whatever reason, have stopped chasing their dreams to change their lifestyle and who have gained a lot because of this change or people who simply had to stop doing what they were doing. were doing. These are the people the following quote refers to.

The key here is to be flexible, to adapt and take advantage of failure so that you can grow as a person;  to look inside yourself and not just beyond yourself. What do you want from life: do you want to be or do you want to have? Accepting that in life you have to make do with what you have can ensure that you have a great journey.

The purpose of life is to strive for happiness


Each of us must discover for himself the way he wants to travel his life, without feeling guilty for taking certain turns and without ever condemning the paths that others wish to follow.

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