When Loneliness Defines Me As A Person

When loneliness defines me as a person

Sometimes we choose to be alone and in other cases we have no choice. Many people are afraid of loneliness, of that empty feeling it brings, of the time we have for ourselves.

Loneliness isn’t negative, as long as it doesn’t make you feel bad and you can use it to get to know yourself better. However, what happens when loneliness is what defines me as a person? I choose solitude and this makes me happy. Is this possible?

As humans, we naturally tend to need the company of others. To have relationships, to get out of the house, to know other people: these are characteristics that define us as a person. For many of us, a lack of companionship can make us anxious and depressed.

But for some people, loneliness is precisely what defines them as a person. These are people who are happy with the choice to be alone and who are not afraid of the consequences this can have. Are you one of those people?

I choose to be alone

There are two forms of loneliness that are very different from each other. The first form involves isolating yourself from other people and the second involves feeling alone. We choose the first form ourselves, but not the second.

In this article we are not talking about the negative form of loneliness that upsets us, that makes us feel like something is missing in our lives. The loneliness we are talking about is the form of solitude that can fill us, a positive form of loneliness that does not hurt us, because it is completely welcome and accepted. It’s a free choice.


When I choose to be alone, I don’t feel alone. I live in a positive and constructive reality where I can reflect on things, get to know myself better and enjoy whatever I want.

People who know how to live a fulfilling life in solitude tend to be more creative and often read more. Why is this so? Because both reading and creativity require concentration and tranquility.

When a person is able to be in a healthy state of solitude, when he is able to look at himself and know exactly who he is looking at, we call this introspection.

Introspection helps us get to know ourselves and this is very beneficial. Getting to know yourself is helpful for the relationships you build and for understanding how you will react when faced with certain situations. Learning more about yourself is always very positive.

Loneliness as something positive

Multiple studies show that lonely people are often more prone to anxiety, social phobia, depression and various other negative feelings that surround them continuously.

In fact, a study published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience states that loneliness is an emotional problem that affects a large part of the population and that it can trigger several serious health problems.


In this context, the word “loneliness” refers to something negative. However, we must try to break this stereotype. Not all forms of loneliness are negative.

Let’s share a few positive qualities that people who choose to live a more lonely life often have:

  • They have great intuition.
  • They are not afraid to be alone, which means they have no problems with dependence.
  • They are very creative.
  • They know themselves through and through.
  • They can observe very well.
  • They have good friends, but can probably count them on one hand.

Contrary to what you might think, lonely people do have friends, but probably not as many as others. This is because they attach great importance to the word ‘friendship’ and because they know that this word cannot be applied to just anyone.

In addition, lonely people are very adventurous and like to discover new places. There are rarely things that can surprise them, as they tend to see everything through a magnifying glass.

So let’s try to dispel the idea that loneliness is by definition bad. If you’ve chosen it and feel good about it, then go ahead! Focus on your good intuition, creativity and the other observing skills you probably have.

Are you a lonely person? You may have often felt yourself to be a ‘queer’, but in fact there are a lot of people who enjoy being alone just like you do. Therefore, never feel bad for enjoying your solitude.

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