Everyone Who Is Part Of My Life Is Part Of My Story

Everyone who is part of my life is part of my story

Every person who has appeared in my life is a character in my story. The person I am today is actually a collection of the big and small things they’ve given me – including their time.

And everyone has left their mark on me in one way or another. Some of them I remember well, while others are a bit forgotten, but they make me who I am today. If I could change something from the past or make different decisions, I wouldn’t be the same person again. Because of everything that happened to me, I am now where I am.

Everything will make me grow: everything comes for my story

Just because everything that happens in my life leaves its mark, doesn’t mean it’s always pleasant and positive. Sometimes I’m lucky and I’m with someone who fills me up, but other times I can meet someone I don’t want to walk next to, who I don’t want to include in my story, but I have to.

Somehow everything that happens makes me grow. Whether it’s positive experiences and magical encounters or negative experiences and unpleasant goodbyes. Everything that happens contributes to my story, including the negative things. After all, without them I wouldn’t know what I want in my life.

Night full of stars

My story: I’m going to decide how I interpret my life

What matters most is how I interpret each experience in my story. What do I do with what happened to me? How do I integrate it into who I am? Can I adapt and grow? Or, on the contrary, do I just stop and let myself be pulled down? How do I choose to see things?

This last question is good. Because if I allow myself to be defined by criticism, I will eventually fall apart. And if I only let good, positive things play into my story, then I live in a dream world. On the other hand, if I am able to strike a balance between both extremes, I will see who I really am.

All this leads me to think that even if I know that I am a collection of the people and experiences in my life, it is I who can organize the pieces to make myself who I want to be. So I will try to prioritize the things that make me feel better, and I will learn to use the rest to make me stronger and understand what makes me unhappy. Maybe I can also use it to help others.

Everything I’ve been through is part of my story

Over time, I have also come to understand that  whenever I meet someone or when I find myself in a new situation, I discover a whole new part of myself. My relationships show me more about who I am than how they are, and the same thing happens when I do new things. It is a very special thing to think about!

Open book containing my story

So I regret nothing. Not the decisions I made nor the people I left behind, because everything I’ve been through is part of my story. If I make a mistake, I can either live in the past and spend my time trying to undo something, or learn to see my mistakes as a chapter in my story as I keep writing new ones. I choose the latter.

Because I’d rather be who I am now – a collection of stories – and I choose the color with which I want to write the story of my life. 

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