To Go Far You Have To Be Passionate

To get far you have to be passionate

As humans, we have become accustomed to living in a world of absolutist demands and absurd obligations. We put enormous pressure on ourselves and end our days full of tension and anxiety.

The society we live in tells us that we should do certain things, find a certain job or behave a certain way in order to be appreciated. Unfortunately, we often automatically take these ideas as dogmas without questioning them at all. If we decide to give in to these ideas, we will feel constantly pressured into thinking things like ‘ I must be beautiful!’, ‘I must become a well-known professional!’, ‘I must raise my children perfectly! !’, ‘I have to pretend to be perfect!’ etc.

What is interesting is that as humans we create so-called mental blocks in ourselves when we are guided by obligations. When we carry out our projects or plans full of fear and tension, the final results of these projects and plans will usually be only mediocre. This in turn causes us to give ourselves negative feedback because the results should have been much better. The secret to breaking this vicious circle is to realize the obligations you put on yourself.

Unfortunately, it is indeed true that our culture conveys to us certain superficial messages about how we should be or how we should behave. Ultimately, however, you are the person who has to decide whether or not you want to go along with these ideas.


It has been proven that when someone embarks on a particular personal or professional project because they feel like it or are passionate about it, they can go much further than someone who is pressed to embark on a project.

A passionate person works and strives for something, but does it with love because he loves what he is doing and that is his goal. If everything turns out well, so much the better, but even if everything falls apart, he knows that this is not the end of the world. And if after a lot of failures he still hasn’t managed to achieve an interesting goal, it still wouldn’t be the end of the world. Life offers millions of interesting alternatives.

It is very important to understand that there is a child in all of us who just wants to have fun in life and with the rest of the world. After all, being happy is the most important goal we have as humans. And to be happy, you have to take the weights and rocks out of your backpack and erase from your mind the idea that you should or should do certain things. When you have finally managed to free yourself from those mental chains with which you had voluntarily chained yourself, you will see that living and being happy are the easiest.

You go out into the world and do what you have to do without fear of anything. Without fear of the opinion or approval of society, without fear of failure. It’s great and you do what you have to do because you want to, nothing more, nothing less. Suddenly you will find that your inner child is laughing at everything, because in every situation there is something to laugh about or play with. That’s just how life works. And playing means having fun, being content and loving life as it is at the moment, without demands or impositions.

Take a good look at yourself: do you have arms, legs, a healthy mind to think along with, food, clean water and all kinds of other things? If you have all of those things and maybe more, then you can truly call yourself blessed. You have everything to let yourself be guided by the power of pleasure, by doing what you want and having fun with it.

Listen to music

Do things because you love them, because you want to, because you are passionate about them, not to get something in return, but to promote your own well-being. Say goodbye to your office job if your true passion is to become a sculptor! Or at least try to pave the way for doing something you love. Leave that person who only hurts you!

Be aware that if your daily life, the basic aspects of this, are in order, you have nothing to fear. What you will get in return will be the most satisfying thing you can ever get: your own happiness.

So change your motto to: “From now on, I will let the power of passion guide myself and put aside the power of obligation.”

To go far you have to be passionate…

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