In My Social Circle, Honesty Is A Must

In my social circle, honesty is a must

Maybe you have relationships that you let go on for too long just because it was easier. But know that he who does not give will one day tire even the most patient friend,  and that he who gives little and gives in a bad way will only create tension.

To be selective in your choice is to be intelligent

Sometimes limiting our patience will only make us tolerant of things that deserve it. And luckily, because being stuck with liars, arrogant people and people who clearly don’t want the best for us for days, months or years doesn’t sound great, does it?

We will always encounter people who bring us down. This could be our boss or someone in our family. When it comes to these kinds of relationships, breaking ties can be complicated. But we’re not talking about that now. We’re talking about the people that you can really cut out of your life, the people who make your life uncomfortable and who never really want anything for you. You let the relationships go on to keep up appearances, out of fear or a lack of self-esteem.


A planned image for our relations

As we grow, develop, or change, most of us make adjustments in our social relationships, especially the close ones. Often during adolescence and early adulthood we like to have many different relationships, but as we mature we prefer quality over quantity, so we consider honesty an indispensable ingredient for our relationships. We don’t have as much time as when we were young and we want to spend the time we do have with people who enrich us.

When we look around us, it seems as if society is telling us to create a personal brand, to make this brand as attractive as possible to others. We need to create a flawless profile of our lives, both our work and private lives. We have to sell ourselves as if we were a competing product, even if it may not be authentic.

‘Contact’ via the internet and social networks puts us in a complicated situation. It seems like it forces us to keep hanging out with people we haven’t had anything in common with for a long time. All of this encourages a blatant hypocrisy in our lives that makes us spend time with people we would rather not spend even a second with.

So we keep saying it: try not to fall into this false idealism and simply force yourself as much as possible to avoid anything that adds nothing to your life.


What are you aiming for? Look for it without feeling guilty

Many people have a theatrical, narcissistic tendency and tend to surround themselves with relationships that will bring them fame, popularity or important contacts. In this sense, the relationships are no longer really natural, but rather serve as a medium, as artificial as technology, to achieve other ends.

On the other hand , for most of us, establishing relationships is an end in itself. Relationships can make our short journey on this earth a little more pleasant, but they don’t do more than that. Therefore, if you’re looking for genuine relationships, if that’s really what you want for yourself, don’t settle for less.

Maybe you, too, stopped being a good friend at some point. Maybe you’ve used up the other person’s patience, bored him with your conversations, or your presence just wasn’t pleasing to him anymore. Despite all this, you stayed, you managed to tolerate it. Therefore, do not doubt your efforts to surround yourself with honesty and simplicity in your relationships, even though these sometimes have difficult moments.

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