Four Flawless Methods To Instantly Overcome Fear

Four Flawless Methods To Overcome Anxiety Instantly
We can develop feelings of anxiety for many reasons. A dramatic event, stress for an important moment or even a vivid imagination that allows us to see into the future and predict disasters.

Whatever the reasons may be, they all have two things in common. First, you need to calm yourself in order to move forward. Second, that they create a short circuit that results in feelings of anxiety that we cannot control.

1. Control your breathing

It doesn’t matter what causes your fear. It is always the case that there is a shortness of breath that causes a kind of short circuit in your body and mind. Breathing becomes rapid and shallow, triggering other symptoms of anxiety.

If you can also control your breathing, you can also control other symptoms of anxiety. But how can you control your breathing under such conditions? This seems difficult, but it is actually quite easy.

7/11 rule

To control your breathing all you need to do is follow the steps of this 7/11 rule:

  • Stand still
  • Concentrate on your breathing, without thinking about anything else
  • Breathe in as deeply as you can while mentally counting to seven
  • Exhale slowly while counting to eleven in your mind

Do this for a minute. If you don’t succeed the first time, don’t worry. Repeat the process until you master it. The key is to make the exhale longer than the inhale.


2. Be prepared for situations that make you feel anxious

In many cases, we are aware of the events that can cause us anxiety, either because we have experienced them or because the very thought of them upsets us. In these cases , it is necessary to prepare ourselves so that we do not fall victim to our feelings of fear.

As soon as you begin to experience the first physical reactions of fear, you must apply the 7/11 rule. Don’t let the fears overwhelm you.

These early signs include an acceleration of breathing that causes cold sweats, clammy hands, mood swings, uncontrolled movements and other symptoms that weaken you mentally. Your imagination does the rest.

In such situations, apply the 7/11 rule immediately. Do not try to justify or understand the situation, nor should you try to rationalize what is happening to you until you are able to control your breathing. To do this, you need to clear your mind. Prepare for the culmination of your anxiety and it will be easier for you to calm yourself down if you ever feel anxious again.

3. Control your imagination

The imagination certainly plays a big part in our lives and allows us to set goals for ourselves, to be able to plan and dream our lives ahead. Sometimes, however, our imaginations can take us for a spin.


When we expect something or when new circumstances arise, it is a natural reaction to think about what will happen. In general, we can imagine both very positive and very negative situations, and everything in between. However, there are also people who can only imagine the negative, as a result of which they overestimate the chance that these negative situations will actually occur.

We often see this in people who perceive the world as a hostile place, full of pitfalls and designed to bring you down. Here too we can apply the 7/11 rule. It will allow us to realistically estimate the probability that certain scenarios will actually occur.

4. Rationalize your emotions

When you are overwhelmed with fear, it is extremely difficult to think clearly. The mind is clouded. Emotions take over. Only when the emotions become less intense do we start to become calm again. Rationalizing emotions can cause our brains to approach emotions differently by going into thinking mode.

Try to rate  your anxiety on a scale of one to ten. By doing this, your brain will start to think and fight against emotional control. Once you’ve assessed your fear, imagine seeing this reading on a thermometer and feeling the reading go down little by little.

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