What Good Teachers Give Us

What good teachers give us

If we were to ask you which teachers have impressed you the most, it probably wouldn’t be long before you have the answer. You remember their names, the way they taught and the way they influenced you so much. You never forget a good teacher.

The same goes for all those people who taught us things outside of school. The people who teach us something valuable leave a mark on us that extends beyond the knowledge they imparted.

Hundreds of people come and go in our lives and many of them do so without leaving a trace. But we don’t forget some people. These are the ones who testify to the special ability to share their knowledge. Why does having good teachers contribute so much to our happiness? Because these people give us more than they actually intended and much more than we expected.

Unforgettable teachers

It is interesting to see who children consider to be heroes during childhood. In addition to their parents and fictional characters, teachers occupy a very important place in their lives.

For example, if a teacher taught you the value of effort, did it in the right way and at the right time, or used a fun learning technique, it’s very likely that the knowledge gained will always be associated with the memory that teacher gave you. made it so unique.

Teacher and Student

Unfortunately, most teachers adhere strictly to the routine, teach monotonously and do not deviate even a millimeter from the textbook. But some teachers—who can probably be counted on one hand—are exceptional and show a special ability to get through to us.

Good teachers are those who make the lesson enjoyable, who prove their calling to the noses of thirty bored children who would rather be playing elsewhere, who help you choose your future profession.

How do you recognize the ideal teacher?

It is not the teachers who give fewer assignments or who let the students do what they want in class. Nor are they the teachers who give assignments that take an entire evening to complete or who stomp like tyrants through a classroom full of quiet children.

A good teacher is one who sets the bar so that the students can reach it when they jump, slightly higher than the height they can reach with ease. It is someone who finds the best way to make the teaching material as accessible as possible for the students.

A calling is something we may not be able to understand when we are little, but we can easily recognize it in the people who have found theirs. This is so because it easily transforms into an attitude, a positive attitude in the face of the challenges a classroom full of students can present.

If they treat everyone equally, if they don’t mind giving a little extra explanation to those who don’t understand, if they are friendly and bond with their students, and especially if they have a great deal of patience, they will be an ideal being a teacher.

They should also be enthusiastic about their work and have a desire to continuously surpass themselves, to find new ways to convey the same and to give the best of themselves in transferring their knowledge.

Teachers should also remember that they must provide their students with a full education. What this means? It means that in addition to all the data, formulas and techniques, a teacher should also teach us about values ​​and good habits.

To learn

Do great teachers exist outside of school?

We’ve talked about kids and their teachers at school, but a good mentor can come in all shapes and sizes. Many adults are also looking for someone to guide them, to teach them something they need or want to know.

Although you can choose your teacher in life, there are some teachers that you can only find by chance. Perhaps the best teacher for you is the one in the class next to yours or the class that taught before you.

Mentors provide their students with all their knowledge and help them overcome various obstacles. They generally have a lot of experience in the field and have a special talent for teaching or imparting wisdom.

So it doesn’t matter how old you are, there’s still time to find the best teacher you’ve ever had in your life.

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