It’s Never Too Late To Say ‘what The Hell!?’ To Say

It's never too late to say 'what could it be!?'  to say

Life doesn’t always go our way. For example, is your relationship on a downward spiral? Are you having trouble getting along with your parents? Do you get the creepy feeling that no one really appreciates or respects you? Do you hate your job? Or was your childhood and adolescence painfully complicated? If these kinds of horrifying memories make you feel gloomy, it’s because you yourself give such flashbacks the power over your mind. Yet it is never too late to take the reins into your own hands again, to forcefully take control of your own existence.

What makes the decisive difference is the way you confront your problems and then focus firmly on the side effects. Then it doesn’t matter (anymore) how long the shadows and ghosts of the past have been chasing you, or how long you have already been trying to escape from your own shadow. And whatever others try to force on you, you can also resolutely push aside. Because it’s never too late to – what the hell!? – to say.

Via understanding to acceptance, and via acceptance to (honor) recovery

Accepting the situation is – ultimately – the only real remedy. Only when you get the status quo, no matter how you repugnant, not only recognizing and acknowledge, but is also from within fully embraces you the inner strength, power, and find creativity to the (and your) reality to be seen clearly. Play the game with the cards you’ve been dealt, because you won’t shuffle or put them in anyway.

Too late

In order to lay down your cards at all, you do need to understand the rules in force, as well as the strategy of the other players, plus the potential pitfalls and obstacles that may present themselves – along the way. The point is not (now) whether there is a logical explanation for your plight. Regressive rationalizations offer no practical solution. At this advanced stage, it doesn’t matter whether you agree with the croupier , yes or no, whether or not you protest, and whether you understand the entire history of this personal stalemate. The first step toward rehabilitation is acceptance, whatever happened, and why.

Learning to let go of your luggage

We can not retroactively change what we have experienced, or what happened to us, but we are indeed themselves in control of how and with what attitude, we face the future. It is even possible to mediate intra-therapeutically in the relationship with ourselves. By relaxing inwardly, that is, by forgiving. In order to dare to look ahead again, to put one foot liberated in front of the other, with our view on the hopeful horizon, we first have to empty our heavy backpack.

Are your circumstances not as you wished, not as you imagined? What would it be? If it is currently beyond your capacity for change, why should you be captivated by it? Why do you let that define you? It is never too late to adjust your particular perspective.

It’s never too late to start over, to fall in love again, to chase your dreams, to follow your desires, or to rediscover yourself from within. It’s never too late to shake off your luggage, regardless of the emotional (over)weight you’ve packed in your backpack, and no matter how tightly you cling to it.

If it must be so, then let it (also) be so

You don’t always have the choice, option, or ability to force change, or assertively enforce it. The only person you can really change is yourself. Only by transforming yourself do you invite others to do the same: inspire by de facto leading by example. But until that change happens voluntarily, of its own accord, there is very little else to influence.

Too late

Sometimes the circumstances are simply what they are , and you can do almost nothing (anymore) about it, or change it. Be pragmatic, adapt, wait patiently, and don’t worry unnecessarily about the things you can’t control anyway. There are so many other things to focus on in the meantime. Like preparing yourself (physically and) mentally for the near future.

Walk forward, and don’t be weighed down by the weight of your past

If you don’t stop looking back, you will lose sight of the good things that are (still) ahead of you, or even never see them at all. Everything doesn’t necessarily have to stay the same. Nor do you have to rigorously erase your memory. All that is asked of you is to let go of your (rigid) grip, so that the past invigorated tells its own story, and you are freed from that loaded ballast.

Perhaps the ‘rest’ of the world, and your social environment, will find your past mistakes unforgivable and unforgettable; maybe you don’t receive the love you long for from family, friends and acquaintances, but the only thing that really matters in the end is that you can forgive yourself, and that you love yourself.

Don’t be (melo)dramatic. Are you not living the life of your wildest expectations? What would it be? The life you do have, here and now, is teeming with opportunities and possibilities, which you will only learn to perceive when you stop looking in the wrong direction. Straighten your back, turn your neck back forward, and look vitally forward!

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