The Key To Happiness Is Knowing You Are Not Lost

The key to happiness is knowing you are not lost

How many times have you asked yourself the question “Am I really happy?” Why do you feel lost and unsure of which direction to take? Finding the meaning of life is part of the key to happiness.

In the world of philosophy and psychology there is an old discussion about what it means to be happy in everyday life. The question has developed into a debate about whether happiness actually exists. Is it fleeting or can you be genuinely happy? As always, the discussion has a lot to do with the question of what is that we call happiness.

The answer to that question determines our well-being. Do we see it as something that becomes impossible, something that passes, or something that can be achieved? In recent years, researchers have conducted several studies on the concept of happiness. The results of the studies lead us to different conclusions.

These studies also try to establish the distinctions and connections between other concepts related to happiness, such as joy. In either case, most authors agree that the definition of happiness is at least partially subjective. Each of us must discover and determine for ourselves what happiness is. That may be why it is so fascinating.

Happiness is a personal inner state

You can feel happy but be unhappy. Likewise, you can feel sad but be happy. So says a cross-sectional study based on the happiness of people in more than 148 countries. The study concludes that the concept of happiness is an inner state. So it has less to do with what happens around us than with what happens inside ourselves.

According to this survey, Spaniards have an average of 58.8 happy years in their lives. This result places Spain high on the list of 148 countries. That list of 148 countries is very representative. Because the group comprises more than 95% of the world’s population.

Harvard has also conducted a longitudinal macro study. Their conclusions also support this idea. According to this study, happiness is a long-lasting inner state. It is not the result of a passing event of a passing nature. It also doesn’t depend on how things go. If you think about happiness that way, you may find the key to happiness here. For your well-being can be connected with your inner peace, spiritual peace, serenity, reassurance and a sense of security that fills you with a sense of satisfaction with your life.

The key to happiness

The key to happiness is very closely linked to finding your own way

Jorge Bucay has already said it. You can also describe happiness as the certainty that you are not lost. Bucay is part of the new schools of thought on personal well-being. He believes that the key to happiness and happiness has a lot to do with finding your own way.

Happiness is not about reaching a specific place or somewhere in particular. But it is about going in the right direction. It also has nothing to do with the vain joy that comes from getting something, or from being able to get something that others fail to do. That doesn’t make anyone genuinely happy. It is also a lie that satisfaction is associated with achievements so trivial that once you have achieved the old goal, you have to look for a new one.

What stimulates happiness and is the key to happiness is a clear mind, which gives you a certain direction. Choose a path that is in harmony with your values. As a result, you will benefit from the challenges that arise along the way. You will find joy when you have the confidence that you can check your compass and keep moving forward. Because no matter what happens, you will grow and have adventures. When you feel that way, the joy will multiply. It will grow and fulfill your desires.

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