Prevent Childhood Obesity To Keep Them Healthy

Prevent obesity in children to keep them healthy

Until recently, having a chubby child was socially seen as a symbol of health. So much so that mothers of skinny children were criticized as bad parents. With the advancement of scientific knowledge, this perspective has changed. Now we are more aware that childhood obesity is not a sign of current or future health. It is also not a sign that a family has more resources to feed its children or that the children are receiving more attention and care.

But it can be difficult to get your child to maintain a normal weight. What measures can be taken to ensure that they remain healthy?

The Psychological Consequences of Childhood Obesity

We all know that obesity is associated with many other health problems. Children are not exempt from the dangers that can come from having a high BMI (body mass index). They can develop diseases such as type II diabetes and elevated cholesterol.

But when people talk about the negative consequences of obesity, they rarely consider the associated emotional and psychological problems. Overweight children can develop low self-esteem and poor body image.

It is also important to point out that society generally views overweight people as unworthy of success and popularity, even children. This can lead to anxiety, depressive disorders, and many others problems. It can also lead to the development of eating disorders later in life.

What can you do to help your overweight child?

As we all know, poor nutrition is the leading cause of childhood obesity. But there are other factors, both psychological and lifestyle, that are also important to consider when trying to keep your child at a healthy weight.

In this regard, remember that many people use food as a way to reduce emotional distress. Not only do they eat more when they are upset, but they also eat more unhealthy foods. If this becomes a habit, it can turn into a vicious circle.

Child drinking with mug

If a child eats because he is upset, the negative emotions disappear for a while. But that will lead to weight gain, which in turn will cause more grief. And how will the child try to deal with this situation? By eating more. Do you see where this is going?

In addition to using food as a way to regulate emotions, there are other daily habits that influence weight gain. Eating alone, eating too many sweets, skipping breakfast, sleeping too little, spending too much time in front of the television, and exercising too little are some examples of such harmful habits.

How can we fight childhood obesity?

What can we do to prevent childhood obesity? The first step is to establish rules at home that promote healthy habits. For example, they should eat five meals a day and start each day with dairy, whole grains, and fruit.

At the very least, the meals should be eaten with the whole family. It is very important for parents and children to eat something from each food group . Parents serve as role models for their children.

Don’t try to use food as a way to relieve the child ‘s boredom or sadness if you want to avoid the vicious circle we mentioned earlier. Consumption of sweets should also be limited. Children should also have a regular bedtime so that they can get at least ten hours of sleep.

Child on a bicycle

Now let’s talk about technology. To prevent children from sitting too much, limit the time they spend behind various screens. To stay healthy, both physically and mentally, it is very important for children to avoid technology and do a physical activity such as playing outside, going to the park or playing a sport. Let’s all pursue a healthy weight and lifestyle with our children!

Images courtesy of Kelly Sikkema, Annie Spratt, and Caroline Hernandez. 

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