Five Beliefs That Cause You To Choose The Wrong Partner

Five Beliefs That Cause You to Choose the Wrong Partner

When was the last time you were in a bad relationship? Are you the kind of person who always ends up in relationships with the same type? One just like the other?

We’ve all been in relationships that weren’t the best. Maybe there was a lot of arguing, bad moments or you just realized that your partner wasn’t the person you thought he or she was.

This is very normal. Dealing with different types of people is part of growing up and moving forward in life. But if you’ve had relationships that were bad for you throughout your life, there may be a more profound problem. Below we will show you the five most common beliefs that cause people to choose the wrong partner.

1. I am looking for my ‘other half’

We often see people talking about their “other half” and the idea that you need someone else to be complete. This is a perception that is more harmful than you think.


The idea of ​​a significant other immediately makes you think that you are “unfinished” and need someone else to give meaning to your life. If you live your life according to this idea, you will feel desperate to find that wonderful person who will give your life purpose and meaning.

Remember that you don’t need anyone to feel whole. You are already completely exactly as you are, since you were born. What you need is to find someone who will help you grow as a person without changing you and who appreciates you for who you are.

2. Time passes

Until a few years ago, it was considered strange to be single after the age of 30 or 40. Therefore, it was not uncommon for many women in particular to make the mistake of staying with the wrong person. The good thing about living today is that there is no reason to continue to believe in these beliefs.

Our advice is that you don’t worry about your age or being single forever. The right person will show up at the right time. But if he doesn’t show up, that’s no problem either. Then you simply have more time for your friends and family.

3. I have to ‘save’ someone to give my life meaning

Were your previous relationships with people who had bad or unhealthy habits? Have you tried to change these people, but ended up only hurting yourself? It’s okay to worry about other people, but you have to learn to stop it at the right time.

Convincing yourself that you can improve your partner will make you unhappy. It’s even worse if that person has problems with addiction or negative behavior. Some people think they can change and improve the lives of others, but  you just can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.

If you really want to feel yourself useful, offer your help to someone who needs it, but don’t put in more effort than necessary. Before you can protect other people, you need to feel good about yourself. You may be wondering why you want to help others. Look for the answer and help yourself first.

4. This is the best I can get

What do you think you deserve? Think you’re not worthy of finding something better? Regardless of your circumstances, your limitations or your fears  when it comes to finding a partner, you don’t have to settle for less.

People with low self-esteem tend to accept any relationship, no matter how bad it is, as long as you have company. Although you have this idea in your head, you will throw yourself into problematic relationships that are not good for you.

Break this dynamic by seeking out activities that fill you up or surround yourself with people who truly appreciate you. If necessary, seek professional help.

Woman sits sad in the woods because she keeps choosing the wrong partner

5. He or she has all the characteristics of the ideal partner

Sometimes we come into contact with people who seem perfect in the eyes of our family. But  just because someone meets certain criteria doesn’t mean they’re a good fit for you. A successful relationship is based on mutual respect, communication and genuine mutual admiration.

These are the five reasons why you are always looking for the wrong partner. If you made the wrong choice, don’t worry, you can always adjust or change your situation. Do not hesitate to seek help if you think it is necessary. Some habits are not so easy to break.

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