Finding The Answer To A Difficult Situation Is Therapeutic

Finding the answer to a difficult situation is therapeutic

From an early age, we as humans develop an inseparable relationship with words. Words serve to tell stories, to exchange opinions, to name objects, to find answers. Words even give shape and content to our inner dialogue. A dialogue that is often portrayed in films and television programs with a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other shoulder.

Such a scene probably sounds familiar to all of us. The main character has to choose between doing what he likes to do and doing what he thinks is the right thing to do. Then the devil and the angel begin to exchange arguments. You know it’s not right. Life is meant to be crazy. What would sister and sister say if they saw you now etc.

In our minds we not only use language in this way, we also use language to create stories. This is because reality usually comes to us through clues, as if we were the detectives. We are the ones who have to put the puzzle together piece by piece.

Mouth with Rose

Ana’s story

It’s seven in the morning and the alarm goes off, just like every morning. She turns it off, turns around and waits for the next alarm she’s set to go off in five minutes. When that alarm goes off, it means she needs to hurry up. However, which is better: being able to eat your breakfast in peace or stay in bed for another five minutes?

She thinks about everything she has to do that day and pulls all her pillows over her head at the thought . Mentally she tries to look for her next moment of peace, but can’t seem to find it during her breakfast. The five minutes pass and then she jumps out of bed. She puts herself on autopilot and routinely starts doing her tasks one at a time.

She wakes up startled on the subway after being blown through the air by a terrible explosion. Only three minutes pass before she falls unconscious again. Then three days pass. This time she is awakened by a device that is constantly beeping. Every beep is a sign that her heart is still beating.

After this event, Ana will never be the same again. She will hardly ever sleep, keep her focus and be ready to go. Ana has learned that any inconsistent moment can become extremely important in the blink of an eye. It’s like life, the life we ​​love, has disastrous magic tricks in store for us too.

Fly away

Ana doesn’t understand her story

Why on the subway she’s in every morning? Why hadn’t she gotten up earlier that day? Why didn’t she die like some of the other people who were on the subway with her? These are questions that keep racing through her head and that she wants to find the answers to.

These are holes in her story that cause her safe world to suddenly turn into a place full of potential threats and dangers, hidden behind innocent gestures. In her eyes, the world is no longer a controllable and predictable place. What’s the point of everything if it can all just disappear in an instant?

Ana must be able to heal

Ana doesn’t just have to heal her physical wounds. She also has to find a way to feel safe again. That sense of security that will never return if she can’t find the answers to all the questions that haunt her. It will not return if she is unable to finish that morning’s story. She needs to finish this story to make sure the guilty parties don’t have a chance to repeat it again.

Interestingly enough, many people in these situations place considerable value on certain superstitions. For example, imagine that Ana had gotten out of bed with her left leg on the day of her accident. She’s basically not superstitious, but somehow makes the connection.

A connection that doesn’t make sense at all and probably doesn’t make sense, but is still extremely fantastic for her. Ana understands that if from now on she would get out of bed with her right leg instead of her left, the same situation will not occur again. In this way she has transformed an uncontrollable fact into something that is controllable and this calms her down. She has found a cause that she can act on and while this change is not disrupting her life at all, it is still wonderful.

floral fluff

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