With Someone By Your Side You Will Get Ahead

With someone by your side you will go further

If you’re alone, you’re dead

Being alone is not the same as feeling alone, nor is it the same as wanting to be alone. That is, desired solitude can sometimes be good and even necessary. Feeling alone means being surrounded by people, yet finding nothing more than a void. Being alone is like wanting to cross a river but not being able to because there is no one to help you drag logs to build a bridge.

No one will make the road easier for you and it will be extremely difficult if you expect yourself to do this on your own: if you want to cross the road, you may be able to do it, but by surrounding yourself with the right people who willingly help you. lend a helping hand, make sure to double your strength and ingenuity against the obstacle.

I think this is the background to the lesson the Maasai shared with Chicote: not because solitude is bad, but because companionship is sometimes indispensable on our journey. To give a practical example, imagine that you want to start a business. It is unlikely that you will have enough resources to do it alone and it will be much easier if there is a team, with various skills, to help you and with whom you can share your happiness and success.

Reaching the end is not as important as taking the journey with others

If you have managed to drag the log across the river and reach the other side, you will understand the value of having someone by your side and the merit of knowing when it is better to be alone. to be. You will also know how wonderful it is to be lucky enough to have someone by your side, someone who will never let you fall or drown, someone who will keep you going and give you a breather.

We often tell ourselves that it is better to be alone than to be in bad company, but we forget that we can choose who is and who is not on our side. There are moments and situations for both, for desired solitude and for sharing our dreams and hopes with the people who are truly by our side.

Dangling Legs

It might be interesting to know in this regard that Albert Einstein once said that he felt alone. He had managed to achieve his goals and become the most famous scientist of the twentieth century, but emotionally the loneliness took over. This shows that having close relationships is an indispensable ingredient for feeling complete.

A push has more effect when someone gives it to you

When a baby starts to take his first steps, the parents are aware that he has to do it himself, although it is always good to give him a hand and give him the feeling that someone is standing next to him. The same thing happens when we grow up. You’re independent and can move forward with confidence, but it’s never a bad thing to have someone by your side who is willing to push you forward if you need it.

Sometimes the presence of some people in your life can be just the motivation you need to go beyond where you thought your limits were. These people can make sure that you believe in what you deserve, that you fight for your dreams and hopes and that you will not give up in moments when you are faced with doubts and fear.

Having someone by your side as you move through your life will undoubtedly make you a lucky man, because you have found special people who are important to you and whose challenges you share. Moreover, if they are really worth it, they will stand by you until the end and will always try to help you achieve what you have in mind.

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