The Greatest Revolution In This World Is To Guarantee Joy

The greatest revolution in this world is guaranteeing joy
In a world that encourages us to hate, guaranteeing joy and self-love is a real revolution. It is the best way to give importance to our way of life, to our non-conformity over injustices. To leave our mark with our smiles, hugs and warm attention to all who need it.

We often question ourselves: everything I am is not good enough. I do not meet what is expected of me. I’m not attractive enough. I’m not doing well enough as a mother. I’ll never get it, that’s what they tell me and what I think. Revolt against this inconvenience and proclaim the revolution of your own joy. Smile, it confuses the people who hope you will be accompanied by grief.

The revolution of joy that each of us possesses

With so many conflicting messages and uncertainty, it’s not surprising that we tend to hate ourselves. We hate our existence because it seems we are not free to exercise it. But the more you hate yourself, the more you play into the hands of those who want you to hate yourself. It’s time to question everything that has led us to hate ourselves and feel guilty. It is time to question sadness so that we can start the revolution of joy.


Free yourself from that self-imposed prison of pain and suffering, where all past mistakes, all unachievable demands, and all that withered and painful guilt reside. We will never be able to be perfect, but this is by no means the worst thing that can happen. The worst part is losing joy and pride because you think you are not good enough and that eternal suffering is the price you pay for this.

The fallacy of divine reward

Sometimes we think that all our suffering will be rewarded, that there is a supernatural force that will make everything fall into place and reward us with what we deserve. We have suffered a lot, we continue to feel bad and we believe that the universe has a duty to spare us. This is the fallacy of divine reward.

Happiness will not come as a reward for your suffering. It will come from your ability to offer kind words and an understanding smile to someone who is going through a difficult time.

Joy and positivity are contagious. The attitude of an eternal martyr will do you nothing and neither will anyone else. It is your responsibility to leave this dynamic of discomfort. Ask for help, express yourself, fight for something you want and try to change your circumstances.

Putting aside the revolution of hate

It is not a matter of carrying all the guilt of society on your shoulders. It is awareness of the multitude of harmful messages around us that generate aggression, selfishness, bad morals and uncontrolled consumerism. You are an active part of your world and must therefore set boundaries.


Living in freedom implies assuming rights and duties, but not useless demands, especially if they are of no benefit to you. Choose things that make you feel good and that don’t hurt anyone. So simple, so effective.

The most ordinary person can lead a revolution without proclaiming it

You too can make a small revolution in the world. You can show that despite the negative things you’ve been through, you insist on accepting yourself unconditionally, never giving up on the things that really matter to you, and never applying stereotypes and stigmas to yourself.

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