I Like The Smell Of Happy People, Who Smell Like Hope

I like the smell of happy people, who smell like hope

There are days when we decide to put on the smiles that others give us. It is almost inevitable that the hope they radiate makes us feel good, and that pleasure spreads to every one of our senses – especially when it comes from great people.

This is because some people are able to make us feel good by  sharing their harmony, hope and positivity with us.

They show us that we can do anything  and that we don’t have to step on the brakes, just smile and wave to life.


The smell of happy people

Good people smell of closeness, hugs, and love. We tend to be more open to them and we feel comfortable with them. This ability to tighten our screws every day is what grips us and makes us addicted to simple well-being and the magic of a smile, kind words and good intentions.

So it’s not surprising that we like to surround ourselves with those kinds of people, because they’re the ones who support us. The time we spend with them is as ephemeral as it is sincere. As time goes by, we collect reasons why we always come back to them, with their honest look and their smile.


Emotions are contagious

We capture our mood in a great way. Moreover, our emotional state is able to shoot from 0 to 100 in a few seconds in a very subtle way, with more or less intensity, consciously or unconsciously.

Some people are able to change our mood with a “good morning” accompanied by a smile. There is even evidence that when we communicate with someone, we sense their emotional mood so well that even our muscles position themselves in the same way as those of our company.


If the other person smiles at just the right moment, so do we. And we don’t just imitate that gesture, we adopt their mood and also their emotions. This happens to a greater or lesser extent depending on our sensitivity.

Researcher John Cacioppo argues that regardless of whether we understand the facial expressions of others, we unconsciously evoke emotions, creating emotional synchronization.

There are people who convey good emotions very strongly. Therefore, the connection we have with them is so healthy that this union will result in strong commitment and different behavior based on loyalty and affection. So those who show more emotional fortitude and determination will be the ones we like  and will make us feel better if they shape our mood in a positive way.


The fact that we are so strongly invisibly connected is something that surprises and amazes us. D e science discovered great things about mirror neurons as the basis of this communication. These neurons seem to be most responsible for emotional communication. They are part of our brain’s biochemistry that mirrors what we observe very quickly.

We love such happy, honest people with good intentions so much because thanks to them we are infected with good mood, motivation and fun, feeling by their side as if we can take on the whole world.

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