Sense Of Humor Is Often A Sign Of Intelligence

Sense of humor is often a sign of intelligence

A good sense of humor is… the kind of humor where a person knows how to describe an often somewhat gray reality with irony and wit. This kind of humor is almost always a sign of intelligence.

Some people shape what they see in an elegant satirical way. This makes us think. A good sense of humor is an art that manages to make us laugh out loud and make us aware of a less stern and original reality.

Plato’s lyrics are really surprising. The famous Greek philosopher was Aristotle’s teacher. He warned that a sense of humor and laughter were little more than a quality of evil.

According to Plato, any person who often used jokes displayed a proud attitude. He believed that they showed off themselves and dared to ridicule others.

Why did Plato hold on to that position? The reason was that the art of making others laugh sometimes involves using insulting statements. It also challenges moral codes and ridicules certain groups in society.

Humor raises objections to people, their beliefs, their physical characteristics, and so on. However, using a sense of humor in a sophisticated and creative way is an art form.

Sense of humor is an art

Sense of humor and its relation to intelligence

A person’s sense of humor is without a doubt his best advertisement. This is something we have all noticed more than once. So nothing says as much about someone as discovering what makes them laugh or not.

We are also introduced to their ability to understand the most mysterious ironies. Perhaps we can also ease the tension with a genius expression of humor. Almost unintentionally, humor can stimulate interpersonal connections.

You may find it hard to believe. Yet the people who possess the ability to use a more sophisticated and creative sense of humor than usual tend to have higher IQs.

We know there are people with high IQs who weren’t really good at telling jokes. Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw or Groucho Marx are the most notable examples.

There are details that make this topic even more interesting. A study by the University of Vienna in Austria has revealed another fact. People with a great sense of humor scored very high on verbal and emotional intelligence.

Sense of humor and its relation to intelligence

The evidence from these studies also shows that there is a direct link with a number of other factors. A sense of humor is linked to cognitive abilities, emotional intelligence, and self-confidence.

  • Most of the time, extroverts use humor as a strategy to deal with stress, worry, or the daily setbacks.
  • On the other hand, evolutionary psychologists describe a sense of humor as a “hereditary trait.” It is a characteristic that can mean greater dexterity and mental flexibility or, on the contrary, more rigidity.
  • Researchers have also found more negative styles of humor based on sarcasm and attack. This includes ridiculing or mocking others. There appears to be a connection between those forms of humor and bad moods and depression.

Sense of humor is connected with creativity

Albert Einstein was once asked where his ingenuity, creativity and intelligence came from. In a very natural way he replied that his sense of humor was the secret. He had this sense of humor since childhood.

At heart he was still a child who was able to look at the world in a curious and innocent way. He never lost the ability to wonder. Einstein never lost the ability to laugh.

This is anything but an insignificant anecdote. Einstein knew very well what he was saying when he emphasized the importance of a sense of humor in relation to human intelligence.

Many neuropsychological studies actually support the idea that there is a connection between our positive emotional state and creativity, as well as that state and intelligence.

After all, we must not forget that laughing increases the production of dopamine in the brain. This neurotransmitter also “switches on” those neural mechanisms that intervene in the learning process.

Sense of humor and creativity

The result is that we become more flexible and creative. Our memory and mental focus also improve. Laughter also enhances our attention. Laughter is life. A sense of humor connects us to others. It reduces stress and strengthens the immune system. It also makes us much more productive.

Ultimately, life is all about love and humor. Love helps us to understand life much better. Humor keeps us going with life every day. So don’t ignore the benefits of this amazing aphrodisiac for the heart and brain.

If a sense of humor makes us more intelligent, then it is worth using it imaginatively and skillfully. 

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