The Road To Emotional Maturity

The road to emotional maturity

“I have forgiven mistakes that were unforgivable. I have tried to replace the irreplaceable and forget the unforgettable. I did things impulsively. I have been disappointed by those who I thought would never disappoint me, but I have also disappointed others.

I laughed when it was almost impossible to laugh. I’ve been holding someone to protect him. I’ve made friends for life. I have loved and been loved, but also rejected. I have been loved and did not know how to love.

I screamed and jumped with happiness. I have lived by love and promised to love forever, but I have also broken this promise many times. 

I have cried while listening to music and also while looking at pictures. I called someone just to hear his voice. I fell in love with a smile. I thought I would die from all that nostalgia…

I’ve also been afraid of losing someone special and I’ve lost him, but I lived!

And I’m still alive!

No, I ‘m not going through life. And you, too, should not let life pass…


What is really good is to fight with determination, embrace life and live it with passion. Lose your battles in style and dare to win, for the world belongs to those who dare to live. Life is worth too much to be unimportant.”

-Charles Chaplin-


I haven’t changed, I’ve learned. And learning is not changing, it is growing. It may be hard to understand, but I’ve already cleared my hurdles and they’re way behind me now. I have been shaped by my demons and have faced my dark sides.

To be honest , life has no manual. There are guides for almost everything, but not for growing up. You learn that as you walk through life in the midst of that  awful amount of messages about what you should and shouldn’t be and about what you should achieve.

What we don’t realize is that emotional maturity is not the same as physical maturity. It’s not inevitable, it takes work.

Unfortunately, only a few of us reach that crucial moment when it can be said, “I made it and didn’t take the easiest path.” That crucial moment when you understand that there can be no form of love more powerful than self-love. For this reason, it is very important to understand that when we learn, we do not change, but grow.

Spinning circles

What do emotionally mature people do?

1. They let go of the past…

Holding on to an idea that time gone by was better will certainly cause us to suffer emotional pain in the present. It keeps us from being free, letting go. And in panic it sinks us into an abyss that seems too deep, but our eyes deceive us.

Always looking back and not letting go causes emotional vertigo. Emotionally mature people stop looking to the past and so they can close those periods, heal their wounds and stop hurting themselves.

2. …but not without facing it first

Emotionally immature people think that looking to the past is a waste of time, that they don’t have to figure out what’s going on inside them. But this just means that the filth of their emotional past keeps accumulating and accumulating, creating an ever-growing mountain of pain.

If you don’t check that everything is fine inside, you won’t be able to escape it, but you will let the negative parts of your emotional past damage your current life. And this obviously detracts from your positivity and is also painful. Incredibly painful.

So when you’ve learned enough from the pain, take a look inside to heal your emotional past and climb one step higher.


3. They stop whining

They change or accept it. If you are an emotionally mature person, you realize that whining will get you nowhere. We are what we think and emotionally mature people have experienced that. If you act more and whine less, it means that you are growing emotionally. 

4. They allow themselves to make mistakes

You are mature once you realize that you can learn from mistakes. Because it is not a sin, but another way of understanding life. Accept your limitations and work on improving them. Mistakes are opportunities for growth.

5. They open themselves up emotionally

You are growing up when you have realized that emotional armor belongs in the past and only makes life more difficult. So, stop being afraid of commitment and love, have complete faith in yourself and others.

Emotional maturity allows you to take the reins of your life, have your own vision of the world, and develop a strong ambition for success. Once you have developed emotional maturity, life becomes a joy, not a burden. 

We do not reach emotional maturity while sleeping. It takes work, practice and patience. There is no life book full of rules and answers to all your questions; being happy and content is something that only we can take care of ourselves.  

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