When Starting Over Seems Impossible

I don’t understand how this could have happened. I can’t believe I left that place. How can it be over if it gave me life? These could be some of your thoughts right now. An ending makes starting over seem utterly impossible.

If ideas like this go through your mind, it’s because you’re still living in the past and can’t get over it. The story has ended, but it remains unfinished for you. The city has no more experiences to offer, but you cannot accept it.

But  endings are just the last tangible proof of an experience that will be a part of you forever. It means saying goodbye, that’s true, but also that you’ve been through something that no one can ever take away from you because it’s yours.

An ending can also be a new beginning

Right now you live in an agitated state of confusion, in a contradiction between the reality that haunts you and what you actually want it to be. It is completely natural and there is no need to be ashamed. We’ve all felt that something we wanted just slipped through our fingers.

Woman Walking Barefoot Down A Road

However, when the end is just around the corner and you’ve gone through a period of absolute confusion, it’s time to give yourself a push. This will help get your feet back on the ground, heal  what’s broken, and start over.

If you are faced with an end, why not start something new from there? It’s all about scraping together all those positive aspects that you have left over from something that can no longer go on. It is not a matter of starting life over from scratch, but a story of maturity gained through past experiences.

A capital letter after a period

Ellipses  covering all points at the end are not healthy for anyone, no exceptions. If there’s something that can’t be like this anymore or it’s time to pack your bags and go, it’s not beneficial to deny it and do more damage to yourself.

There are plenty of new stories to come up with waiting for you outside. These stories should start with a capital letter. There  you will see yourself reflected in a mirror that reminds you that you can find yourself again after you have lost yourself.

Julio Cortázar said that nothing is lost if you have the courage to declare that all is lost. So giving up  can’t be an option when you’re about to take the hardest step and close the door of a house you no longer reside in.

Starting to understand

It will be difficult, it will be strange and it will take guts, but you can do it. The moment you begin to become aware and feel strange, new possibilities will open up to you.

Little by little you will begin to understand and only when you have fully understood what has happened will you find peace. Closing off, accepting what happened and healing your wounds will make you feel better and at the same time improve your relationships with others.

In view of this, is it okay to remember the ending? Yes, of course, but you can’t dwell on it. It no longer exists, it is a memory and memories have been filtered and stored. Fantasize about new beginnings, find a way to live in the present,  and make the most of everything today has to offer.

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