Depression: A Sick Soul

Depression: a sick soul

Nothing makes sense in my life anymore, nothing interests me and nothing surprises me, I feel empty… Loneliness makes its way through my body and my mind and I have lost my enthusiasm for everything, for everything that I liked and that made me happy: reading, listening to music, making love, travelling, the daily struggle at work…

I hardly eat and sometimes I sleep excessively or spend whole nights without sleeping. I don’t want to see anyone, I don’t want to talk to anyone, the whole world overwhelms me because I overwhelm even myself… And even though I don’t have the strength to kill myself, sometimes I wish I closed my eyes and never woke up again. 

It often feels like the shame is suffocating me and I cry endlessly, thinking my life isn’t worth it and wondering what I’m actually doing here. I feel like I’ve failed at work, I feel like I’ve failed a thousand times in love, I feel like nobody appreciates me and I don’t think this life is worth it…

This article was inspired by the words of actor Willy Toledo about suffering from depression.

I stopped what I was doing and had to take a look; his words caught my attention. I looked at him without blinking and for a moment I tried to understand his testimony, a testimony with which every person who suffers or has suffered from depression can identify with.

We hope that his public candor and this article will be helpful to some of those who may be reading these words right now.


How can we overcome depression?

In the first place, the love of your loved ones and the help of a specialist will help you escape from that dark pit that you feel you cannot get out of. Depression is not easy to overcome, but with courage and support you can do it.

Everything can change. Today, and maybe tomorrow, the sky will be gray, but the sun will shine again and maybe without realizing it you will find the surprise that life offers you behind a child’s smile, as you walk through a park full of spring flowers or as you meet a special person.

Through therapy you will create a personal plan to try to return to who you were before.

Little Things That Can Help Relieve Depression

1. Walk or walk between fifteen and thirty minutes a day.

2. Read something every day that supports your positivity. 

3. Meet up with friends or family at least once a week.

4. Do something you enjoy every week .

5. Make a list of goals.

6. Stop focusing on what went wrong in the past. The future is full of beautiful surprises.

7. Do things you enjoy like cooking, crafts etc.

8. Try to meditate, even if it’s just a few minutes a day. You will see how little by little you will become more interested. Meditation is great for changing your mind and your thoughts.

9. Try going to the gym and if you don’t like that, at least go dancing at home or do an activity outside.

10. Don’t worry; know that sooner or later you will find the solution.

11. Try not to be alone and ask a friend or family member to join you for a walk or chat with you.

12. Listen to happy music. Music is a powerful ally that stimulates the production of endorphins.

13. Focus on the good things in your life. 

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