How Do You Know If You’re Too Taciturn?

How do you know if you're too taciturn?

How do you know if you’re too taciturn? It is not easy to know when to speak and when to be silent. You can say that recognizing the right moment is an art for either of them.

The saying is indeed true. “When words are many, the mistake is not lacking.” Talking too much makes us vulnerable to negative consequences. However, sometimes not speaking also leads to negative results.

Silence is very valuable. It gives us time to think and consider what we will say. It is also a necessary condition for listening. In addition, it promotes reflection. However, when we are more taciturn than necessary, we can cause misunderstandings or undesirable situations.

Silence must be a decision, an act of prudence. It is also a form of underappreciated courage. For some it is a character trait. They are people of few words. These individuals know when to speak and when not to speak.

If you are silent for other reasons, such as fear, confusion or bewilderment, you may be too silent. How do we know if this is the case? Here are some tips that can help you.

We are too silent when we create a conflict

If silence itself causes misunderstandings, then you are too taciturn. We give an example. Someone is mad at someone because he found out that the other lied to him. Instead of confronting this situation, this person decides to remain silent.

However, he begins to behave aggressively towards the other person who has offended him. Moreover, he creates a barrier and distances them.

In this case, there is a good chance that the offended person will continue to feel a sense of resentment for a while. That feeling is a result of the lie he was the victim of. And the other person will never have a chance to explain his reasons or admit his mistakes.

In such circumstances, silence solves nothing. Rather, it creates an invisible barrier that prevents us from solving the problem.

We are too silent when we create a conflict

allow injustice

Silence when there is injustice is a sign of indolence or cowardice. When you do this, you become a silent accomplice. Silence can therefore be a way of approving or justifying an abuse. That is a clear example of being too taciturn.

It is not easy to raise your voice and end an injustice. This is especially true if the perpetrator has power. However, not speaking is a form of silence that can last a lifetime.

Speaking up at the right time is also just as important as being silent when necessary. This means that silence should not be an accomplice of injustice.

Keeping silent out of fear or embarrassment is not okay

Sometimes life makes us build barriers to protect us. We may have had a hurtful or violent experience. It has caused us to shut ourselves off from the world out of fear. Often this situation convinces us to adopt a too taciturn way of life.

Maybe we have a lot to say. Still, we decide to keep it to ourselves because we don’t think it’s valuable. We are afraid of being judged or questioned. Yet we are aware that our ideas are valuable or important. In these cases, what was meant to be protection from the world becomes a cage that prevents us from flying.

Keeping silent out of fear or embarrassment

Love must not be silent

We can also say that we are too taciturn if we do not openly express our feelings for other people. Love should always express itself freely and openly. It is not good to keep sweet words of affection to yourself. In fact, expressing our love is one of the most beautiful gifts we can give to someone else.

Our loved ones are gifts. However, sooner or later these ties will end due to distance, broken relationships or even death. So every moment with the people we love is precious. There will never be enough words to show others how important they are to us.

Love must not be silent

Words can create and destroy.  However, it can also be silent. That is why it is important that we learn the art of knowing when to speak and when to be silent. If we master this art, we will undoubtedly become consistent, assertive and successful. 

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