You Create Your Own Reality

You create your own reality

Do you know  what is real, what is the truth and what is a lie in this world of experiences?

As described by Immanuel Kant : “We can only become aware in advance of that which we ourselves have contributed.” With this statement Kant makes a Copernican turn, a revolution that presupposes a change of perspective where reality in itself does not exist, as each object is active and transforms reality into its own experience.

Kant argues that we can only comprehend knowledge beforehand if we admit that we understand only phenomena and not the things themselves. Thanks to Kant’s revolutionary contribution , we understand that we are active objects in our own experience. There is not a single reality that affects us as passive objects, so that  we are not slaves to our circumstances.

We create our own experience

We are the masters of what happens to us ; therefore, every experience is a reflection, a return of our thoughts, of our emotional state, and of the attitude we decide to adopt in each moment.

You’ve probably had the chance to experience the fact that depending on how open we are to new ideas, we attract more useful or harmful experiences into our lives. A epending the degree of openness and where we focus our attention on, we will attract experiences that match the energy that we introduce into our environment.

Drop effect

This also happens on an internal level:  we lose strength and get sick more easily when our thoughts make us believe that we are puppets of our circumstances and that there is nothing we can do about it.

If we are constantly having unpleasant experiences, it does not mean that life has turned against us; rather, it means that in a way  we boycott our experience with the energy of our thoughts and actions.

Experiences are not necessarily good or bad. Rather, we give different meanings to experiences and these can vary greatly from person to person, even if we are talking about the same circumstances. We have the choice to interpret our experiences in a way that allows us to move forward in an enhanced way or that causes us to attach ourselves to what happened and slowly destroy ourselves.

We are not slaves to our thoughts or our emotions

Contrary to popular belief, we can control our thoughts and surrender to our emotions so that they don’t stagnate.

Our thoughts often remain rooted in what they are used to. Our neural networks become stronger and are automatically activated and generate bad thoughts before any situation, if we adopt this attitude.

Once we stop being aware of this happening, we become slaves to our thoughts, believing that there is no way to escape from the thoughts that make us feel uncomfortable and they lead us to actions that confirm thinking.

We don’t invest enough energy into what we want to achieve, resulting in frustrating results and therefore asking ourselves, “Why don’t I ever get what I want? Why do all the bad things always happen to me?”

Think it over

And we get caught up in this vicious circle, becoming more and more powerless, not because of the circumstances themselves, but because of the way we have reacted to the situation.

We are aware of the fact that our own reality creation and that we are not puppets of our conditions is the only way to change these thoughts and change them. Only we can change how we see things. At the same time, our emotional state will also adapt to the way we understand each of our experiences, how we live them, and how we integrate them into our learning process.

For  there are neither good nor bad emotions ; there are only necessary reactions to what we experience. They are indications of what is happening to us and dealing with them helps us to form a great understanding of ourselves.

In the feeling emotions are released and the energy flows, thus clearing the way for us to feel the new experiences. When we insist on hiding one of our emotions, because we don’t want to feel them or because we see them as inappropriate and negative, we give them more power, increase the intensity and create an emotional imbalance.

We build our reality, we shape it, we are the architects of our own experience. Are you ready to take on this responsibility? Whether you are aware of it or not, you are the creator of your own reality and your own existence, for it develops as a response to the thoughts and emotions you have entered.

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