What Is The Difference Between Sincerity And Sincerity?

Is it always a good idea to always tell the truth? Do we really value sincerity? When does something show sincerity, and when does something show sincerity? What we mean by the latter is  telling the truth without tact, without limits and without thinking about what the other person feels or wants. On top of that, using sincerity without thinking can lead to hurting someone unnecessarily.

Sincerity vs. sincerity

The best you can do is use the truth to help, and sincerity to build. Never use it to piss other people off! Always remember that the truth is a powerful weapon and you need empathy and social intelligence to use it properly.

And even if you’re not lying when you’re honestly committing murder, even if you’re telling the truth, when you do something like that without thinking about the other person or just to take the pressure off yourself, you’re not helping the other person. You are not using the truth as you should. What you’re doing is using facts to hurt others — especially if you use them at the wrong time.

Does that mean you should lie to save other people’s feelings? The answer to that question is not that simple. It cannot be described in black and white terms like ‘lying’ and ‘telling the truth’. There are times when the truth won’t help at all or will make things worse. The best thing to do is try to convey what you want to convey, but do so with some sensitivity. Try to find the right time and place for this, and figure out the best way to have the conversation.

Sincerity or sincerity?

What happens in your brain when you lie?

A study published in, among others, Nature Neuroscience proves this. For example, the more  we lie, the less and less our amygdala — a brain region that becomes active when we lie — shows less and less activity. That is, the more often you tell lies, the less sensitive your brain becomes.

From this we can conclude that when you lie, your brain eventually goes into a state of rest. It basically got used to lying. However, you don’t mean to lie. You want to learn to extract the truth from something and to share it. However, your social relationships won’t last long if you don’t develop a verbal filter. Then it doesn’t matter whether what you say is rooted in reality or not.

As we said, you don’t get any better at one thing or another by committing sincereicide. Your self-esteem doesn’t improve, and neither do your relationships with others. What does help, however, is sensitivity towards others. There are certain truths that are best delivered with a light kind of fineness. There are also truths that are best kept to yourself until a later moment and there are also others that are best not shared at all. This is because they are simply not that important. Sometimes it is also better to share information little by little so that the other person has time to absorb it gradually.

smiling women

Is it okay to always tell the truth, or is that sincereicide?

The psychologist Claudia Castro Campos has conducted a study about lying. A few interesting facts followed from this. She demonstrated that, on average, everyone tells one to two lies every day. It doesn’t matter if they are big or small lies. The point is that we use them to mold reality to our own preferences.

There is a popular saying that drunk people and children never lie. That happens because the areas in your brain that inhibit and censor us socially are muted. We see this especially with drunk people and with children. Of course, this does not serve the same purpose in children as it does in drunken adults, because in children the brain is still developing. It does show that our society and the capacity of our own brains prepare us to learn to hide the truth. For example, we learn to lie or give a smile to reduce the effect of something negative.

There are people with good social abilities. These are the ones who know how to be sincere without hurting another. That does not equate to lying, but to convey information in an appropriate manner. It’s not about who is the most sincere person; it is about who can convey the truth in the best way. In any case, the most important thing here is that you stay true to yourself and remember that you have the ability to hurt others a lot. The truth, when discussed in an intelligent manner with good intentions, will always pay off.

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