What Does The Miracle Question Technique Consist Of?

What is the miracle question technique?

“Imagine that your alarm goes off. You wake up and a miracle happens. All your problems are gone. How can you make sure that the problem why you are in therapy no longer exists?” This is how therapy begins when one applies the miracle question technique.

Steve de Shazer invented this technique. It is part of the solution focused short therapy. The goal of this approach is to find the exceptions in the patient’s life. This means that one wants to find situations where the problem is not present. The aim is then to multiply these situations as much as possible.

As the name suggests, solution-focused short therapies are first and foremost short. So they last about 10 sessions. Therapists want their patients to imagine what their life would be like if their problem suddenly disappeared.

When we let ourselves be overwhelmed by our problems, we don’t pay attention to the positive things around us. You may occasionally find yourself focusing on your problems instead of seeing the bright side of things.

Through the miracle question technique, therapists try to make a miracle happen. They make people think about how things would be if they were lucky enough to wake up without their problems.

What's stopping you from doing what you want

What’s stopping you from doing what you want?

“I realized my problem was gone when I woke up and didn’t feel any pain in my chest. If I could have breakfast in peace, without looking at the clock every two seconds. Or if I could wake up my kids and tell them how much I love them.

If I could just wake up and feel blessed to have my family and my job and if I could forget the stress and just enjoy the moment.”

Only specialized therapists are allowed to use the miracle question technique. They will know how to steer the patient’s story. They will help the patients see the details that they are overlooking because they are only focusing on their problem.

Thanks to the miracle question technique, you can also see what has changed and what you no longer do since you focused on the problem.

Self-awareness and imagining what would happen if everything was “okay” gives you an idea of ​​the goals you are pursuing. Is there an external factor holding you back from continuing or are you just holding yourself back?

Sometimes you are the only one who keeps yourself away from what you desire. Imagine a better day! It will help you to know what you want to achieve!

The solution-focused short therapy

What should you do after the miracle question technique?

Knowing what the problem is and realizing the consequences is not enough. You now realize the changes this problem has caused in your life. Now you must act. In solution-focused short therapy there is a technique called ‘the butterfly effect’.

This exercise can help you see that after small changes, more changes will occur. This happens almost like a chain reaction.

So you can’t just imagine what could happen. You also need to take control and start making efforts. Realizing the role your problem plays in your life can be the hardest part. However, be ready to take action after you take that first step!

Now tell me: what would happen if all those worries that keep you up at night suddenly disappeared? Ask yourself what you can change to improve your life. Work on those changes! Also, remember that no major changes happen overnight. 

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