The Bond Between Children And Pets

The bond between children and pets

Anatole France, one of the most famous and great French writers, once said, “Until one has loved an animal, a part of the soul remains untouched.” Children and their pets are able to create a very special bond together, one that nothing or no one can ever break.

It is true that love is one of the most wonderful feelings that the human heart can experience. But love isn’t just for people. Animals are also capable of feeling, with as much passion and intensity as we are.

The importance of the bond between children and animals

Because the unconditional love of an animal is such an amazing feeling, it is important to consider adopting a pet to provide your children with values, happiness, and an important emotional connection. It’s also a good way to give them some more responsibilities.


The Affinity Foundation has been a major champion of the idea that children should grow up with pets and has done a tremendous amount of research to support this idea.

Their conclusions revealed numerous benefits, such as pets are often said to improve the quality of life of the whole family, reduce stress and depression, and promote physical and mental balance.

The relationship between children and pets

According to studies conducted by the Affinity Foundation, pets allow our children to feel more complete, happier, more autonomous, responsible and loving. Let’s take a look at how having a pet can improve children’s educational and social development:

  • When a child has a pet that they love, they tend to assume the responsibility of caring for and feeding the pet autonomously, altruistically, and generously.
  • Feeling responsible and caring for an animal will greatly improve a child’s self-confidence. The child will feel useful, know that they have done something right, and become more confident in their abilities.
  • A good environment that facilitates a relationship between the child and their pet will improve the child’s integration into the family. An animal can be a very strong unifying force between family members.
  • Learning to respect the pet at an early age will make the child aware of the need to respect other people, his surroundings and the environment.
  • Children who know they are doing something right by taking care of their pet will feel more competent and confident. As such, they will feel more responsible and emotionally balanced.
  • A pet is an excellent source of support for children during difficult times. The unconditional companionship of an animal can relieve sadness and anxiety. In fact, 46% of children consider their pet to be a great source of emotional support.

How to foster the bond between children and pets

To help your child bond with their pet, keep the following in mind:

  • It cannot be forced. It has to develop naturally. However, if the child takes on responsibilities such as feeding the animal, giving the animal clean water, or bathing it, the bond will most likely begin to grow.
  • When the animal is out for a walk, it is important for the child to come along and be part of the experience. This will also help build the bond between them.
  • The child should see the pet not only as a responsibility, but also as a source of pleasure and entertainment. In this way, it will build an unbreakable and enriching bond with the animal.

Other interesting facts about children and pets

According to studies conducted by the Affinity Foundation, people who grew up with pets tend to have fewer problems in their interpersonal relationships, are happier and more motivated, and feel less threatened.

It is a good idea to help your child develop an unbreakable bond with your pet as it will leave a lasting mark on him and make him feel happier and more complete.

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