People Are Like Music: Some Poetry And Others Noise

People are like music: some poetry and others noise
There are people who are like music in our lives, although they often don’t even realize it themselves. They are the poetry whose lines are part of our hearts. Others, however, are just noise, background noise that is sometimes very annoying and persistent, which we could learn to live with in a balanced and respectful way.

Gustav Jung said that the meeting between two people, sometimes, is like two chemicals making contact. If a reaction takes place, both parties can transform and gain advantage. Sometimes, however, only the opposite happens: the substances repel each other. This is not good or bad, it is the reflection of human relationships.

Life is like music and poetry, it must come from one’s own heart, where we decide who we dance with, to live joyfully, and to put aside the people who only make noise.

We could say that personal relationships are sometimes like complex universes in which we will all eventually collide with each other. However, there will always come a time when we become aware of that inner music that makes each of us so special. That unique and exceptional harmony that becomes one with certain people, so that together, we create the best music of our lives…


People who fill our days with music

When we have to describe the people who light up our days, we often turn to positive psychology almost immediately. Martin Seligman is the best representative of this trend where we are told, for example , what qualities these personalities often have to turn adversity into possibilities, and to make happiness a constant in their lives.

However, it is important to clarify a few things. People who really become a beacon of light in our lives don’t necessarily have to be ‘happy people’ themselves. What they really are are experienced architects of positive emotions. Another thing to consider is that these relationships are so enriching that they can, at times, be brief, but never less important.

Sometimes we deal with emotional relationships or friendships that eventually end, but the memory of them still sounds like a beautiful soundtrack full of pleasant feelings. Because there are people, believe it or not, who are like ‘fire’; people who, despite the distance, can still give us a light, warm and peaceful feeling.

Remember how valuable these people are, always cherish them.


At 30, the quality of your friends is more important than the quantity

At 20 we often associate with lots of people who enrich our lives, but at 30 we are socially exhausted from entertaining others and prefer more quality in our relationships… More »

Living with music and noise

Noise is a confusing mix of sounds with no rhythm or harmony. We all know it; we deal with it every day. Sometimes we protect ourselves from the annoying noise by putting on headphones and relaxing with our favorite music.


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