5 Natural Remedies For Depression

5 natural remedies for depression

Many people think that taking pills is the only way to treat depression. We think that medication guarantees an automatic change in our mood and makes us better.

But that’s not quite true. Even though some medications can help with the symptoms, they probably don’t address the real problem. In some cases they are very much needed and useful in the short term. But  some studies question their long-term effectiveness. Some suspect that they make occasional depression chronic after five years.

And let’s not forget  that some of these medications have negative side effects. Sometimes they are very serious. It’s true, there are times when we do need medication. But we should always strive to stop it again as soon as possible.

There is also good news! We can use natural remedies against depression. Here are five good, natural ways to improve our mood.

5 natural remedies for depression

1. Eat well

The food we put into our bodies has the potential to improve or worsen our mood. A person in a depressed state needs a diet rich in certain vitamins and minerals. Eat foods with the following nutrients:

Good food with enough fruit
  • Vitamins C and D.  You can find these vitamins in citrus fruits, broccoli, melon, green peppers, fish, eggs and milk.
  • Iron and zinc. You can find it in red meat, fish, shellfish, egg yolk, chocolate, peanuts, sausage, butter, etc.
  • folic acid. You can find it in vegetables, citrus fruits, beans, wheat and milk.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids. It is generally found in fatty fish.
  • Selenium. Eat lentils, peas, peanuts, peanut butter and other nuts.

Eating healthy will not immediately lead to results, but with a little patience it will not take long before you start to feel the effect. Also remember that these foods on their own will not cure depression. But nutrition is very powerful.

2. Exercising is very good against depression

There are many studies that show  how sport plays a decisive role in the state of mind. There are even those who claim that exercise can be just as powerful as antidepressants.

Sport increases our dopamine and serotonin levels. This results in a sense of well-being, as well as increased calmness, self-confidence and a better mood. However, we don’t have to be the professional athlete.

The most important thing is to get some physical exercise on a regular basis. This is already enough to take advantage of this.

3. Calming Herbs

Hypericum, also called St. John’s wort, has proven itself as a good aid. The best part is that it doesn’t have the side effects that synthetic drugs do. The positive effects on depression have been evaluated by several doctors in Germany.

Calming herbs

It’s very easy to make. All you need to do is make a tea from the dried leaves of the plant. You can find it in pharmacies or grocers. The normal dose for depression is half a cup, twice a day. Consult a doctor first if you are taking other medications at the same time. There could be interactions between the two.

4. Sunlight and nature

Sunlight has a huge impact on our health and mood. First, the sun gives us vitamin D. In addition, darkness has been proven to increase the production of melatonin. This causes a feeling of fatigue and impaired cognitive functioning.

It has also been proven that a  lack of sunlight prevents the production of serotonin. Serotonin is the substance that indirectly influences our mood. So high levels of melatonin and low levels of serotonin is not a good combination for our mood. So it’s also a bad combination when it comes to depression. Sunlight is a free and natural antidepressant that we should use wisely.

5. Massage

The massage is an ancient technique that is often used in the Eastern world. This is one of the natural remedies that you can also use in addition to your medication. To start with, a massage reduces muscle tension and has a relaxing effect. This helps to improve our mood and give us energy. A massage is one of the best remedies for depression.


All these natural remedies for depression are effective. And the best part is that  they not only reduce symptoms, but they even improve our quality of life and support good health. Even better, they have no negative side effects and if we stick with them, we will see results quickly. 

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