5 Tips To Make A Relationship Work

5 tips to make a relationship work

Today, heartbreak and relationship problems are some of the most common problems that show up during psychological consultations . Cheating, jealousy, emotional dependence and not harmonious cohabitation cause a relationship to end forever.

If we look back, we will notice that this did not happen a few years ago. In years past, most couples have lasted a lifetime, despite all the adversity that could exist between the two partners. And this was mainly due to the fact that the woman was almost completely dependent on the man. The woman had not yet entered the workforce. Therefore, she had to stay by her husband’s side and take care of the house and the children.

Fortunately, that picture has changed a lot. The problem is that for many couples this ended their relationship much earlier. It has also made the psychological problems associated with these breakups much more common.

There are a number of statistics that show that couples will not last more than ten years these days. And this is mainly due to not harmonious cohabitation and lack of communication.

While the perfect relationship doesn’t exist, which is something we have to admit, here are some tips that will help make your relationship work better:

5 tips to make your relationship work

No requirements

It is very important, if you want to make your relationship work, that you are very tolerant of the other person. Sometimes we demand things from our partner as if we own them. And the truth is, this is not the case, because no one belongs to anyone else.

We must be aware that we are human beings, that we sometimes make mistakes. And that it is much more positive for the couple if you are understanding and empathetic towards the other person  and not demanding that he act or be the way you would like him to be.

This doesn’t mean we can’t imagine that he can act in a certain way, but being clear about the difference between a demand and a proposal is essential to make sure everything goes better  and paradoxically it makes the other person more willing to change certain things we don’t like.

Sometimes we don’t like to be pressured to do something. However, if someone suggests us to change something and shows us the benefits of this change, we can take it in a different way.

Couple on the Beach

No more talking about each other’s past

The past is in the past and it no longer exists. Therefore , there is no point in going on and on about something that is no longer in your partner’s life. You will not be able to resolve that past event. All you will achieve is suffering and pain for both of you.

If your partner has ever been unfaithful to you and you have forgiven him, stop reminding him that he made a mistake.  You are the one who has chosen to forgive him, with all that that entails. Now all you have to do is move forward together.

Remember that the other person is your partner

Occasionally  negative emotions and impulses make us forget that the person we are arguing with is the person we have chosen to love  and spend the rest of our lives with.

Therefore, always make sure that  swear words, insults and all forms of contempt are not necessary. You can do a lot of damage to the person you love.  And if this is repeated continuously over time, he will eventually get tired of your lack of empathy and tact.

Let’s be aware that there is no need to yell or disrespect anyone. You get a lot more out of calm dialogues, respect and affection.

Laugh away everyday problems

Hair in the shower, not screwing on the cap of the toothpaste or making a mess of the closet shouldn’t become big problems if we take them with a bit of humor.

Plenty of times we tend to dramatize issues that are not paramount. By giving them a lead role, all we do is blow them up and in many cases make them a real stumbling block.

It is true that it can be really uncomfortable for you if your partner leaves the toilet seat up every day, but this should not be seen as a terrible event that causes an argument between the two of you. It’s just not worth it! If that’s one of his flaws, there are definitely other things he does well, just like you. Remember the first tip: propose, but never demand and be tolerant. You are the one who chose this partner.

Beach walk

Make each other happy, without being dependent

Having fun and doing fun things with your partner is fantastic. It is very positive for each member of the relationship to surprise the other every so often with something that they know the other will love. It doesn’t have to be on a special date. The most important thing is that you really want to give your partner a good dinner or take him to a concert of that group that you know he loves, but you may not like that much.

It’s good for us to indulge in activities every now and then that we may not like very much, but that we know our partner loves. Maybe once we join in, we’ll even start to love it.

On the other hand  , we should not depend on the other person to do the things we love.  If your partner likes football and you don’t care at all about football, you shouldn’t be forced to go to a game every Sunday. You also have to do things separately.

Building a good relationship is simple and difficult at the same time. Sometimes the impulsive aspects grab us and we lose sight of respect, honesty and empathy. Keep these five tips in mind and apply them every day. They will help your relationship to develop positively.

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