Three Much-needed Ingredients For The Ultimate Dish: The Good Life

Three much-needed ingredients for the ultimate dish: the good life

Sometimes we would like to forget (long) bygone phases of life, remove them from our past forever, because wherever we look in our memory, we only taste bitter memories. Failures, disappointments. Bitten situations that were thrown at us too soon, opportunities that we overlooked, or relationships that took unforeseen, possibly even undesirable, turns.

Learning from decisions made, and taking responsibility for them, gives us a sense of inalienable freedom of existence. And it all starts with acceptance – of ourselves. Unfortunately, our culture invites us to question our choices—constantly, and retroactively. So that we – increasingly – come to believe that we are always wrong, or that we are never ‘good enough’.

When this happens, we make ourselves victims— usually unconsciously, or else habitually— to such gradually internalized negative beliefs that, from within, we become more and more mercilessly dependent on and accountable for. Thoughts – including judgments – are like (acid) rain: experts at finding – in this case – your psychological lows and lowest self-esteem, below par, where they trickle and trickle pressure on the cracks and holes in your self-confidence, affect and increase. Thus we fail ourselves – time and again.

Often our lives simmer on passively, in ‘wake plane mode’, with the occasional blast of oxygen suddenly igniting the fire. On the stove is our very own existential pot, which we continue to stir , while we add all kinds of colors, smells and flavors to it, to make the ‘soup of the day’, and of our daily experience, taste as good as possible. . While you’re at it, the following three ‘native spices’ are definitely worth considering to turn your culinary art into a true five-star dish.

1. Be proud of yourself

Those who love themselves, are content with and about themselves—including their practical and professional achievements—are often falsely accused of having a large ego or of presumptuous vanity. This confusion is logical, because both variants exist. And some people – no matter how you behave or appear to the outside world – will by definition try to talk you into the pit, to escape their own inner fear, emptiness or frustration for a while. Therefore, never forget – in all the hectic – that you have everything to be happy with, and to be grateful for yourself.

When we are determined to “stand up” about nurturing and respecting—and caring for—ourselves, we are essentially harming no one, and we are investing wisely in a personally prosperous future. It is therefore essential not to keep tossing and turning in remorse, and to proactively process such nagging feelings – in a permanent awareness and healing process – and have them dissolved. In this way we learn to live fully, without being trapped in and by our own history.

2 Be the one who shows and takes initiative

How many times have we been told – as a warning – that we are ‘ too dominant or bossy ‘? Proposing things, setting things in motion, that is the first step that actually leads to action, while others are endlessly thinking or conferring. Showing and taking initiative is – normally – a wise decision so that others, because of our passivity, do not impose their course on us.

If you are indeed accused of this, realize that there is nothing wrong with being a pacesetter – the one who ‘sets things rolling’ – because there is little more liberating than discovering, and proving to yourself, that you are not dependent on others. are to get, and create, what you want. Follow your heart, and its authentic impulses. The way opens up at your feet as long as you realize that making mistakes and asking for forgiveness is just as natural as being right and celebrating success.


3. Be careful with your expectations

We often prefer – almost above all else – the safety and comfort of what we are already known and familiar with. For this reason, we visualize almost obsessively all imaginable and predictable scenarios (especially in the domain of love and family), so that – so-called – tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, etc., under our control, and under our supervision, hold.

Such fantasized and mentally projected forecasts rarely materialize exactly as we’d hoped, resulting in negative emotions rearing their heads and ruining your mood. We have the proverbial pee in it, or automatically assume that we have failed. In times like these, remind yourself that the problem lies with the person who apparently had too high or unrealistic expectations, not the one who had to fulfill all those expectations . Invariably give priority to ‘nursing’ your own expectations, and not the demands that others try to burden you with (extra).


Whether it’s to make yourself proud, to live up to your own expectations, or not to disappoint your friends, family and loved ones – if you decide to do something, do it with all your heart. Because even if you go wrong, you need not feel regret or bitterness. Even if your sincere efforts do not pay off, you will be rewarded with a sweet, mischievous smile on your face, for your audacity, and your enthusiastic commitment.

In this way, life remains one great adventure, which has no equal and unparalleled. Every day you are invited to participate uninhibitedly in this adventure, with all the means at your disposal – inside and out. You may not be the brightest, strongest, or richest person in the world, but you—like just about everyone else—have enough talent and intrinsic gifts for a miraculous existence.

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