A Bad Psychologist Can Do A Lot Of Damage

A bad psychologist can do a lot of damage

Sometimes we trust health experts almost blindly. Cognitive psychologist Daniel Goldstein states that  “psychology is a manual for your own mind”. But what would become of that instruction manual if it fell into the hands of a bad psychologist?

It makes sense that  a bad psychologist can do a lot of damage to your psyche,  just like any other health professional. A bad doctor, physical therapist, or therapist can not only prevent you from getting better, but can also make the problem worse.

Existential psychologist Victor Frankl uses the term “iatrogenic neuroses” to refer to problems caused by a bad psychologist. But are we alone in this situation? If you are not a doctor or therapist, how can you overcome the problems caused by them?

How to recognize a bad psychologist

In order to recognize a bad psychologist, there is nothing better than knowing the profession well. To do this you must surrender yourself to Juan Armando Corbin. This expert in organizational psychology and coaching has developed a list that  reveals some key points for detecting a bad therapist.

Do you feel judged?

Your therapist is not there to judge you. His job is to understand you, not to impose his will. He doesn’t have to agree with your point of view, but he does have to be empathetic. With understanding and the right tools, a therapist can help you, but if he criticizes you, he invades your personal territory and goes beyond the boundaries of his work.

Woman Not Feeling Well Maybe Because Of Her Bad Psychologist

Is he unable to help you?

There are many different  specializations  within the field of psychology. Of course, professionals can encounter a lot of different cases, so  if your therapist doesn’t have the right skills, it’s best to stop the treatment.

Remember that there are psychologists who specialize in just about any problem related to psychology. That said, it is common for a psychologist to have a broad view of a lot of problems, but be fully prepared for only a few of them.

Is he too busy with himself?

If your therapist focuses too much on himself, he’s probably not very good. Some professionals use examples from their own life to create an open atmosphere and find common ground with their patient, but if your therapist is ultimately just dealing with their own long list of personal achievements and life situations that have nothing to do with your problem, then this may not be the best person to treat you.

Does it promote a healthy emotional bond?

The therapist should put the patient at ease, but he should never cross emotional boundaries. There should be trust in the relationship, yet the relationship should remain strictly professional. For example, physical attraction is seen as an obstacle to successful therapeutic intervention within most fields of psychology.

Woman Talking To A Bad Psychologist

Is he actively listening?

How can a psychologist treat his patients if he doesn’t really listen to them actively? Your emotions are vulnerable and sensitive during therapy as you open yourself up to a professional. Therefore  , all of his five senses should be alert. He must know how to interpret each of your words and gestures, or at least do his best to achieve this goal. If not, the connection to you is not complete and the therapist may be overlooking important details that may be helpful in treating your problem.

Do you think your problem is important to him?

What may be trivial to one person could be a huge mountain of trouble for someone else. For this reason  , the professional should correctly assess all the patient’s problems. If therapists minimize their patients’ problems, they will not be able to properly understand their patients’ symptoms, let alone provide them with proper treatment.

Does he talk about other patients?

Therapists are bound by complete confidentiality with their patients. They should never talk to other patients about your problems, or vice versa. So if you think your therapist is telling you private information about other people he is treating, that amounts to misconduct and you could even report him for it.

Does he understand your value system?

Everyone has their own value system and yours may be different from your psychologist’s, but that doesn’t give him the right to question yours. If your psychologist judges you and thinks his beliefs are better than yours, then he is making a big mistake. He may not agree with the way you think, but he should respect your way of thinking.

Man Talking To A Bad Psychologist

Does he refer you to other professionals?

Some problems  cannot be solved psychologically alone. Other professionals can also be immensely helpful,  such as a nutritionist. Or the therapist may simply not be able to give you more advice. If so, he should refer you to another specialist. If he doesn’t, that’s misconduct.

So  if you think you are in the hands of a bad psychologist, leave him immediately. Don’t worry, he won’t do you any good anyway. Be sure that your psychologist does not have these characteristics, because unfortunately not everyone who calls themselves a therapist has the right knowledge and attitude to help you.


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