Beat Your Negative Emotions Through Acceptance

Beat your negative emotions through acceptance

Negative emotions exist in our lives as monsters that torment us and appear at the most inappropriate times. Emotions such as guilt, fear, pride, selfishness, envy, jealousy…

Sometimes it is very difficult to overcome the guilt we feel about something we have done or it is impossible not to be afraid when faced with a situation that worries us.

It is probably impossible to completely eliminate these negative emotions, but it is possible to accept and maintain them so that we can live with them and prevent them from taking control of our lives.


Identifying emotions

We can all learn to identify and maintain our emotions  and we can even learn to identify the emotions of others using our emotional intelligence. That way, we can sense what others are feeling by reading their words, gestures, and expressions.

Charles Darwin argued that all animals (including humans) have a certain repertoire of emotions and that these emotions have a social function, as they promote the process of adapting to our environment.

There are six basic emotions and they all have a specific function…

  1. Fear. This is the emotion we feel when faced with danger, whether it be real or danger or just our imagination. Fear drives us to protect and watch over ourselves.
  2. astonishment. The wonder we feel about an unexpected event, whether positive or negative. Amazement allows us to orient ourselves when confronted with this new situation.
  3. Disgust. Is the disgust generated by something in us that brings out that rejection in us.
  4. Fury. The irritated feeling we get when confronted with a situation that is disruptive to us. Anger is a negative and destructive feeling.
  5. Joy. Euphoria about something that makes us happy and gives us a sense of security and well-being. It awakens in us the desire to repeat the situation that makes us feel good.
  6. sadness. The feeling that negative things arouse in us. Sadness makes us overcome a situation and release our emotions.

Techniques to maintain your emotions

There are several techniques for controlling and maintaining negative emotions.

Techniques to instantly control your emotions

These techniques are used to get your emotions under control the moment they arise.

In general, these techniques teach us to control our attention, the effort to avoid expressing negative emotions the moment they arise, and to avoid getting carried away by these emotions.

Techniques to find out the causes of our emotions

These techniques aim to help us understand why we react in a certain way and find a way to change our reaction in the future.

Reasons could be: lack of self-confidence, misperception of the situation, fear, etc.

“We are not responsible for our emotions, but we are responsible for what we do with those emotions.”

-Jorge Bucay-

Techniques to permanently change your emotions

Techniques to permanently alter our emotions operate in the depths of our being to promote personal growth and teach us to stop reacting in ways we don’t like.


How to accept the samples

We cannot avoid feeling emotions, but we can learn to maintain these emotions so that they will no longer hurt us.

That’s why we now share a few tips to help you maintain your emotional intelligence and get the monsters under control:

Remember your own virtues and successes

We all have a lot of shortcomings, but also several virtues that set us apart and make us unique.

We’ve almost got into the habit of constantly saying negative things about ourselves: ‘I’m so bad at this! I’m a mess! I’m always late!’ etc. However, we never consider all the virtues we possess, all the things we do well and are good at, our daily successes. 

Focus your attention on something concrete

When a baby cries, we initially try to focus his attention on something else so that he may stop crying.

Don’t let your mind wander. If your partner tells you that he’s not sure about your relationship anymore, don’t keep thinking he’s going to leave you. For example, try to keep your mind on the book you are reading instead.

Think about the near future

Sometimes negative emotions make us think about the long-term consequences. However, it is better to think about the near future so that we can have a more realistic view and maintain our self-control.

Meditate regularly

Meditating can help you avoid negative emotions, not only when they arise, but also in the long run. Both meditation and proper breathing can help reduce anxiety and other negative emotions.

Think about the worst that could happen

If you think about the worst that could happen, you’ll learn to put your problems into perspective, compare them, and manage your emotions.

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