Cry If You Need To

Cry if you need it

Contrary to what you may think, humans are not the only creatures who cry. All mammals are able to show their pain, loneliness and sadness in some way. The main difference is that  we have been taught that there are good and bad times to cry.

Girls are taught that it is okay to cry because it is a way of self-expression, but later in life it is seen as hypersensitivity. Men are taught not to cry, as this is a sign of weakness. And that’s how we grow up, some with more freedom and others more oppressed. The truth is that we all need to cry when we need to.

Explore your feelings in detail

Cry and you will discover feelings and emotions that you have forgotten. Have you ever started crying about something and it turned into crying about something completely different? This happens because you don’t give yourself a chance to express your emotions as they develop.


Allowing you to accumulate anger and pain without facing them becomes a kind of poison. Some people prefer to keep these emotions as far away from them as possible. This is a mistake, because the deeper you dig, the better you can get to know yourself and become freer. Don’t be afraid to discover these deepest fears and desires. Only by crying in these moments can you truly feel free.

Cry to wash your soul clean

Just as a nice shower washes your body clean, so do tears to the soul. After crying, you feel liberated and you have more energy and motivation to move forward, despite how bad everything seems. We collect so many things that we don’t dare to let go, because we think it is more complicated and painful for us or for others. The problem is that all that sadness, that frustration, that fear and that anger is going to hurt you too.

You have also had time to see what it is that hurts you so. The next step is to create a strategy to move forward and solve your unresolved problems. Don’t stop – cry all you need and keep moving forward. After all, there are also tears of happiness.

Tears heal the body

Sometimes we forget that our mind and body are connected, and we treat them as two separate things. This is a big mistake, because when the mind is sick, so is the body.


Because of this, it is not uncommon to see people who suffer from depression or who have a lonely existence and who also have many physical problems at the same time. Another example is stress, which can cause back problems. Take care of your body and cry as much as you need to. Your body is much smarter than you may think and it will always show you what it needs.

Crying reminds you that you are human

Don’t just cry for your health, do it to get in touch with your most human side. We grow up thinking that crying is a weakness or a sign of defeat. This may be true in some cases, but it is also a way of getting in touch with your most vulnerable, human side.

Give yourself a chance to cry in front of others, even if you think it will be weird and annoying for them.  Tears can help you express your feelings better and they are allowed if they are real. What you should avoid is using your tears as a form of blackmail. Don’t be ashamed of your need to cry. There is no real reason to avoid it. Forget the idea that crying is bad!

–Image courtesy of Christiaan Lieverse–

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