Disappointments Can Change Your Way Of Life

Disappointments can change your way of life

Sometimes the disappointments caused by setbacks are irreparable. This is not always something negative.  It always depends on the direction of the transformation within your heart and mind.

Disappointments that make you lose hope

Disappointments can make you lose hope for a better life, a bright future, or a happy and enjoyable future. And this will cause us to lose perspective.

Let’s use the example of a failed relationship. The disappointments associated with the heart can be especially painful, so severe that many people never get over them. A failed relationship can cause so much pain in our hearts and souls that we may close ourselves off  because we don’t want to go through a similar disappointment again.


But when you think about it and weigh the good of love and the bad of breakup or depression,  is closing yourself off from love because of a failed relationship worth it?

If you ask me, I would definitely say no. Love has enriched my life with a lot of fun, happiness and sometimes also some sadness and broken hearts. But what I have felt and experienced during falling in love far outweighs the disappointment of a broken relationship.

So you should see disappointments in love as temporary failures, which make you stronger, wiser and more patient.  They should never make you cut yourself off from a similar adventure with someone else. It is a beautiful world that you turn your back on.

Other serious disappointments

Disappointments in love are not the only ones that can create negative and irreversible changes in your mind and heart. Betrayal can also cause a lot of pain.

Imagine you have a good friend that you trust blindly. You tell that person everything and talk about every detail of your life. If you have a problem, you tell that person and he or she will always help you get back on track.

Is there a greater pain in the world than the betrayal of a good friend? No doubt it will be difficult to find anything. While we can say that the betrayal itself, by a loved one, relative, or loved one, or anyone else we have a bond with, is always painful,  we cannot allow it to allow us to fall into a hole of complete insecurity and distrust of others. Otherwise we will become very unhappy people.

People need trust in others. They should feel safe, surrounded by people who love them dearly. They must have refuge with the people they love so that they are taken care of. Otherwise they develop an annoying, insecure and negative attitude.

We should never close the door to new people in our lives. The fact that you have been hurt by someone should not cause you to completely change your attitude, otherwise you will reach a permanent state of sadness that is difficult to escape.

The status of disappointments

Unfortunately, it can sometimes seem like we live in a society that lacks solidarity, that is filled with constant disappointments. And it is very difficult to find healthy and sincere people who deserve our trust.

There is a new trend that is beginning to take on a more humanistic and friendly form. It is becoming more and more powerful and widespread and is directly related to the emancipation that all good people have to offer.


It is not easy to see through the constant bad news and discouragement caused by the competitive, aggressive and ambitious society, but this new attitude of kindness and solidarity towards people who are disappointed is there and will continue to be.

The Exploring Your Mind project is a clear example of all the good people can do for each other  without asking for anything in return, simply by offering help.

So don’t let your disappointment determine the direction of your life. Be yourself, make positive change and trust the people who deserve it, because strong, good people may seem invisible, but they really exist.

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