Do You Get Hurt By Others?

Intense pain catapults you into action. When you realize you are being attacked, you may want to defend yourself. However, you need to think carefully to decide how best to respond in these kinds of complex situations.
Are you hurt by others?

When you are hurt by others, you often experience mixed feelings. For example, sadness, anger or disappointment. Sometimes you even feel guilty and assume that you are responsible for the pain you feel from something you did in the past.

In addition, when those you love hurt you, the pain is more intense and can cause real mental torment. However, you should remember that in any complex situation it is best to remain calm so as not to act too hastily and make things worse.

For this reason, you should calmly analyze what happened. You need to ask yourself some questions that can help you better manage any situation. Here are five.

A woman who thinks.

Does the person who hurt you understand the situation?

When you’re hurt, it’s common to unilaterally judge the person who hurt you. You may tend to attribute the reasons for their behavior to their lack of values ​​or their desire to harm you. In fact, in the heat of battle, you’ll likely experience the damage as worse than it actually is.

For this reason, it is always a good idea to ask yourself if that person understands what they are doing. Was it really their intention to harm you? Have they just not thought it through properly? Was it a calculated or impulsive move? The answers to these questions can help you understand what happened.

Do they have a problem or shortcoming that explains their behavior?

You need to analyze the context in which the events took place. For example, behavior that occurs in the middle of a complex situation is completely different from that of an everyday situation. Because some pressures and difficulties can make someone behave differently.

On the other hand, the person in question may have a tendency to repeat this type of behavior. In this case, it may be due to a deficiency.

Do you understand this shortcoming? Do you think they are aware of it and have tried to overcome it? Did they somehow manage to do that? If you can answer these questions, you may have a clearer idea of ​​why they hurt you.

Do they contradict themselves or do they exaggerate?

It is important not to fall into the trap of victimizing yourself and seeing others as the culprits. Also, don’t let yourself think that you are solely responsible for the unreasonable actions of the other person. You have to achieve a balance.

Ask yourself if they tend to contradict themselves. Do they constantly change their behavior? It’s also worth analyzing whether their reasons for acting the way they do are based on having an exaggerated perspective on the situation.

How do you feel and how do you convey that?

The above questions were meant to arouse your empathy for the other person. In other words, they help you put yourself in their shoes and try to understand their reasons, motivations and limitations. Yet it is also important that you analyze yourself and identify your own emotions.

If those who hurt you are important people in your life, it’s a good idea to think about how to tell them. Remember not to do it in a hurtful way. For this reason, it’s best to tell them how you feel without judging their behavior in any way.

A woman who looks serious.

Hurt by others: what can you do to prevent it?

If you’ve been hurt, it may take a while for the wound to heal. Plus, it can affect your work, your relationships with others, and even your eating and sleeping patterns.

An intelligent way to deal with these kinds of situations is to not let them influence you more than necessary. Therefore , you need to find ways to release these emotions, because you need to restore your emotional balance. A nice walk, a fun activity or a healthy conversation can help you with that.

When you are hurt by others, the way out is not to continue suffering or to take revenge. You have to manage the situation in a reasonable way.

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