Emotional Intelligence At Work: Why Is It Important?

Emotional intelligence at work: why is it important?

Emotional intelligence at work is a topic that is talked about a lot, even outside of the academic field.

While traditional intelligence refers to our ability to solve problems logically, emotional intelligence refers to our ability to understand and manage our own emotions, as well as those of others.

Although we can apply the skills related to emotional intelligence in many different situations, it is especially useful if we manage them at work.

By applying emotional intelligence to the workplace, we can notice major improvements, both in our job satisfaction and in the relationship with our colleagues. Some experts even say that being emotionally intelligent is extremely important for earning a higher income.

Today we are going to teach you how to apply emotional intelligence at work, focusing on three key aspects: job search, professional performance and leadership. But first, let’s take a closer look at what emotional intelligence is and what it entails.

Colleagues in meeting

What is Emotional Intelligence?

According to Goleman, the creator of this definition, it consists of five skills:

  • Self-knowledge : The ability to understand your own feelings and moods. Moreover, it implies knowing who you are and what your values, goals and skills are.
  • Self-regulation: the ability you have to control your emotions. That way you can use them to your advantage instead of making them work against you.
  • Motivation: This refers to your ability to set demanding goals and focus on achieving those goals despite the setbacks.
  • Empathy : Also known as the ability to understand other people’s feelings, emotions, and needs. Sometimes empathy is described as ‘putting yourself in another’s place’.
  • Social skills: A set of skills that can help you interact more effectively with others. This includes skills such as leadership, persuasion and social intuition.

These five dimensions are essential for developing emotional intelligence at work. However, some will be more useful than others depending on the situation.

Emotional intelligence at work: how to use it when looking for a new job?

To apply emotional intelligence at work, it is necessary to already have it in advance. Emotional intelligence is a fundamental ability to get a new job.

Today, getting an ‘interesting job’ doesn’t just depend on strong skills. Empathy, the way you communicate and your social skills will also determine your success at work.

Due to the fierce competition that currently exists in the job market, the Human Resources department’s decision may be influenced by emotions (their own and yours) rather than your actual resume.

A woman at work

Also self is an important factor when looking for a new job. Without self-regulation, it will be very difficult for you to keep going when the going gets tough. You will lose motivation and finding a job you like will be even harder.

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Using emotional intelligence at work doesn’t stop once you get the job. On the contrary, in challenging environments like those in modern companies, the skills we discussed earlier are vital. They are not only important for your functioning at work, but also for your well-being.

  • How do you think you’ll be able to pick a job you like if you don’t understand yourself first? (Selfknowledge).
  • When things go wrong, do you let apathy take over or try to move forward? (Self-regulation, motivation).
  • Can you understand your colleagues and have a good relationship with them, no matter how different you are from them? (Empathy, social skills).

Emotional intelligence for managers

Finally, what would happen if you managed a workgroup? You may think that they should be emotionally intelligent after all and not you.

Boss and Employee

Well, then you’re wrong. A boss’s or supervisor’s skills to motivate and understand his employees are essential to create a pleasant work environment.

Without these skills, leadership will not focus on what is best for the team, which can lead to arguments between colleagues.

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