Everything Will Fall Into Place

Everything will fall into place

Aren’t we worrying too much? When do we not think about how we will do with that new job, how our child will do when he starts school or how our marriage is going? How often do we arrive late to an affair and draw disastrous conclusions from it, only to find out again that in the end everything falls into place  in a much simpler way than we expected?

Sometimes our thoughts go faster than we would like. What we really need to do here is incorporate the idea of ​​a quiet lifestyle into our thinking so that we can be more present in our busy, stressful lives.

Stop thinking so much! In the end, everything will work itself out and everything will fall into place. As an old saying goes, “Everything can be solved except death.” So give your thoughts a break and don’t try to influence time with your mind; after all, time will pass by itself. If we decide to look at things in a different light, we will surely succeed in finally resolving them.

Maybe you are unemployed, single and nothing is going well at home. If you’ve lost your job, love, stability -or in other words your ‘north’- don’t worry. The life compass will help you find your way back. Everything is falling on its feet. After rain always comes sunshine.

To care

Life is like a river. Sometimes we stand at the beginning of the river, high in the mountains full of strength and enthusiasm, but not knowing what path will follow. At other times we have to flow through sections strewn with rocks and other obstacles. And at other times we have done everything and reached the sea, only to start again on another uncertain path.

We always stuff ourselves with worries, but many of these worries are unnecessary. They are caused by anxious and stressful situations and are unhealthy for both the body and the mind. Let’s not worry; the river advances by sharpening its path little by little, without having to look at it or think about it continuously.

Someone I knew was seriously ill. This happened quite suddenly and for a moment death was very close. She was a young and healthy person, but because life is so unpredictable, what should have been one of the happiest events of her life for a few days turned into a real nightmare for herself and her loved ones.

It was then that I understood that losing her would be a real tragedy and that moments like these are really the only moments when we should really be concerned. Everything else, our daily worries and fears, will sort itself out… like a puzzle that becomes more apparent piece by piece. We all have our personal puzzles and we should face them calmly and quietly. 

From now on I think we should all try to relax a little more in our daily lives. If we miss the bus, we’ll be late; if lunch isn’t ready at two o’clock sharp, it’s only ready at two-thirty; if the bank is closed, we’ll just go tomorrow; if we make a mistake at work, we make it right the next day; if we have a disagreement with someone, then maybe tomorrow we can approach it differently or at least approach each other with respect.

We will not give up and as soon as we rest our heads on our pillows, we let go of our worries and fears that washed over us that day…  because everything will fall into place .

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