Fallin’ Floyd: A Video That Drags You Through

Fallin' Floyd: A Video That Takes You Through It

Reaching rock bottom is like finding yourself in a dead end with the thought that nothing can save you. You know that feeling of discouragement and sadness all too well, that feeling that makes you sometimes don’t even want to get out of bed, because at least your bed protects you from the cold reality out there.

In these moments of great emotional weakness, your fear mixes with your frustration and together they begin to blur your vision: you feel sorry for yourself for being so unlucky and it occurs to you to give up everything completely.

Today we discuss an animated short that reaches out to anyone who has to deal with the emotional enemies who undermine the confidence they have in themselves: the film is called Fallin’ Floyd and teaches us, among other things, how to move forward after reaching a low point. We invite you to watch the film before reading further:

Fallin’ Floyd: a fun video that reflects the reality of life

This short animation film, created in 2013 by the Utrecht production house ‘il Luster’, tells a simple story in which you will certainly recognize yourself, whether it is because of what you are experiencing right now or because of what you have experienced in the past.

Our character is a young trumpet player who plays in the street, cheering up the people who pass by. Everything seems to be going well in his life until one day he discovers something that completely knocks him down: his girlfriend, with whom he is madly in love, has left him for someone else.

Then the music, colors and expression of the musician come together to create a sad and gloomy atmosphere that reflects his current feelings. On top of that, a kind of black goblin appears and begins to simulate that inner downward spiral in his life: the goblin influences his perspective and completely derails him, it takes hold of him and accompanies him everywhere he goes like a great burden.

But when things seem to be bottoming out…

Depressed Floyd In A Strip Club That Has Hit Its Bottom

In the middle of the animation you see how the character really can’t get any worse, literally nothing goes right: he has no enthusiasm, no energy, no will to move on. But just like in real life, something will help him get his head back on the water and carry on: the acceptance of the battle and the ensuing victory.

And so, after a period of moving from one desolate and inhospitable place to another, meeting people who feel the same way as he does, he realizes that giving up will get him nowhere: and even though his goblin is bigger than himself now, he confronts his misadventures and starts to be the cheerful trumpeter he was at the beginning again.

The short animated film manages to convey, without words, a very important message to us: every separation or every traumatic moment requires a natural process of adjustment during which there will be pain and after which we can start again, and on again. able to realize our dreams, projects and relationships… It’s almost as if we have to hit rock bottom in order to be able to go back up with greater momentum.

The visual power of the video

Before us we have a short animated film full of sensitivity that brings us face to face with life in all its gloom, but also with the truth: whether things are good or bad, we always have something to say, we can always make it happen. choose to carry on, to swim against the current and overcome whatever blocks our way.

In the video we can also see how valuable those little touches are in life (like the smiles of the passers-by that fill the musician with peace), we can see how important is that self-confidence and that courage that we carry within us and that only we can discover the moment we stand with our backs against the wall. It is an animated film full of nostalgia, emptiness, sadness and, finally, great courage that shows us what each of us is made of.

Trumpeter Floyd Going Back For Life After Hit Bottom

Finally, if you enjoyed ‘Fallin’ Floyd’, check out ‘Little Quentin’. The film, by the same creators, Paco Vink and Albert Hooft, was released in 2009, and is another animated film full of contrasts, lights and shadows, and just as interesting as Fallin’ Floyd.

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