Feeling Bad Without Feeling Guilty

Feeling bad without feeling guilty

How wonderful would it be to not have to smile anymore if you don’t want to? Wouldn’t it be nice to say to the world, “World, today I don’t want to go out. I don’t want to see anyone.” Sometimes you just want to be alone with yourself and you don’t need any other company. Yet we often find this difficult to express. Why can’t we just feel bad without feeling guilty?

The best thing would be if the people around us would respect our wishes and only come back when our ‘open’ sign is hanging in front of the window again. No complaining and no preaching. Sometimes you deserve to turn completely into yourself, to rediscover your strength and to get up as new again.

Bad days are necessary, especially to appreciate the good. The magic of comparing and contrasting can teach us a lot if we pay attention to it. It is not enough to know that roses have thorns; we must also learn how to escape the thorns and how to keep them from hurting us.

A woman who cries

Why do we feel guilty when we feel bad?

It is more common than you think that people feel bad. After all, not everything in life is perfect. Then why does society not allow us to express our sadness? In fact, why does she judge us and make us feel guilty?

If you say you’re sad, people will make you feel like you’re weird. You feel like they think you’re worthless. Still others will feel sorry for you and try to cheer you up and drag you out. They don’t take it very well when others feel bad. It makes them feel uncomfortable. And so we try to hide it.

Maybe it’s because seeing someone sad reminds us of those times when we felt the same way. In a society that tells us to bottle up grief, accepting it isn’t easy.

But if you feel bad, you shouldn’t hide it. Or at least you shouldn’t feel guilty about it. It’s part of life. Bad days exist and it’s good when they happen. They don’t hurt as much as they seem. They are just there to show us that we need something. That’s why it’s important to listen to yourself when you’re not feeling well.

Forcing yourself to act differently than how you feel inside is exhausting. By putting on a smile, you undermine your power. On the other hand, if you let go of your feelings, you can conquer them. And if you see that this is necessary, you may not feel so guilty.

The best hiding place: yourself

On bad days it is best to hide within yourself. It is the best of both: solitude, but also company – your own company. You can express yourself without feeling guilty, and you can shake your hand.

Find a place where you can turn off your lights and see what happened to the light bulbs. Then you can fix them and turn the lights back on. Find a place where you can go and put up a sign saying you’re closed for the rest of the day.

A woman who hugs herself

Listen to what your emotions are trying to tell you. Just going on and pretending you’re happy won’t help you at all. Your emotions will only assert themselves more strongly and it will only be more difficult to repair your light again.

Embrace yourself. Let the bad feelings flow for the sole purpose of feeling and understanding them. Spending time on yourself is necessary and you shouldn’t feel guilty about it.

Let the world keep spinning. You will get up again if you have enough strength… there is no rush.

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