He Who Smiles Is Always Stronger Than He Who Gets Angry

He who smiles is always stronger than he who gets angry

If a situation becomes too much for you and you feel like you don’t know ‘where to start’, then only patience, along with a certain dose of optimism, will help you get over the problem without too much damage to walk up. Choosing to be negative can cause your emotions to become unnecessarily unbalanced, which will only lead to more stress, more anxiety, and more anger.

With a smile you achieve more

Sometimes we get involved in arguments, we are a bit tense and generally this is with a family member or a friend. This adds to the tension, as a disagreement can easily spiral out of control and lead to results we would never want.

The moment we are faced with these or similar situations, we have two options: we can lose control of the situation or we can rationalize it as best we can. Whether we choose one option or the other depends on our ability to control our impulsiveness and keep our wits about it. In this regard, it is much healthier to lay claim to an open mind that will lead us to ‘calm waters’.

It is not a matter of winning or losing, but the lesson that can be learned by the one who is able to keep his calm will be much more enriching for the future: peaceful dialogue, a well-timed smile and relaxed behavior in response to stress. will serve us well in other similar situations that we may encounter. That is why we say: “With a smile you achieve more.”

Getting angry is a dead end

Anger leads to dead ends. Getting angry makes us stop listening and being listened to, and it also makes us unable to understand or be understood.

Thus, altercations occur when the tone of the conversation suddenly changes. We raise our voices and look no further than our own ego. None of the parties involved takes the time to consider whether he may be wrong himself, whether he is imposing his ideas rather than conveying them, or whether he takes for granted certain interpretations that may not be in at all. conform to reality.


Anger clouds the mind of the one who is angry and makes him believe that it is absolutely not possible that he himself is wrong. He may also not be aware that winning the fight won’t get him anywhere because he hasn’t learned what the other person is thinking or because it’s quite possible that he’ll end up believing in untruths.

Dealing calmly with a difficult situation

The one who smiles in difficult circumstances, on the other hand, will be stronger than the one who gets angry. He will know that reflection and analysis are the best enemies of the arrogant attitude that often stems from anger.

In addition, he will gain experience by looking for solutions to his problems and by opening up to the tolerance that comes with having a wide variety of relationships. It is important to be able to listen and to respect that others may not share our opinion,  as well as to never forget that we all make mistakes. Sometimes with our words, other times with our actions.

It may sound corny, but learning to control our nerves in vulnerable situations will help us manage those moments of rage that cannot be avoided. This does not mean that we should pretend that the problems we have with others do not exist, but rather that we learn to control these problems efficiently.

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