How Do You Speak Up Against Bullying?

If a school doesn’t guarantee the safety of its students, it’s important to speak up. Schools should be safe environments for all students and society should hold them accountable.
How do you speak up against bullying?

Knowing how to speak up against bullying or make an official complaint against an educational institution is crucial to ending the problem. Bullying is a serious problem that affects students in schools around the world.

Fortunately, society as a whole has stepped up efforts to stop bullying, especially in recent years. Today, there are steps you can take to help protect children and teens. Most schools also have protocols for dealing with bullying.

It is important to deal with the problem quickly and effectively. Otherwise, victims could suffer serious physical and psychological damage. In the most serious cases, bullying can also lead to suicide. So it’s important to remember that this kind of behavior can have far-reaching consequences. The direct victims are never the only ones affected.

When no one speaks out against bullying, the bullies get used to acting violently. Several studies showed that if no one stops or changes the bad behavior of the bullies, they become violent adults (Olweus, 2011; Temcheff, Serbin, 2008).

Little boy is alone in the playground

Speak out against bullying

Today, there are laws that hold schools responsible for failing to protect their students from (emotional) harm such as bullying. Therefore, the first step in speaking out against bullying is to demand that schools take steps to protect children and discipline bullies.

This step is very important. If the school doesn’t take the proper steps to protect its students, you can file a legal complaint. Ensuring the protection of minors is the school’s responsibility. After all, schools should be a safe place for all children.

There have already been some rulings requiring schools that failed to protect children from bullying to provide monetary compensation. One of the most significant cases was that of May 2012, in which a judge demanded that a school in Alcorcón, Spain, pay €32,000 to a family of a child who was being bullied.

If a school does not take appropriate measures to protect students, or if what they are doing is not enough, it is important to report the school to the relevant education department.

What happens next?

If the situation comes into the hands of the Education Council, the evidence will be carefully examined. When they see evidence of bullying, they intervene to find a solution. In the most serious cases, where an actual crime has been committed, the court will be involved.

Bullying often includes criminal behavior, such as threats or physical aggression. If a child is a victim of this type of crime and the above protocols do not solve the problem, you can make direct use of the criminal justice system.

Depending on the severity of the crime , the bully may be placed in a juvenile detention center or some sort of probation program. Volunteering and suspended sentences are also possible consequences, as well as having to compensate the victim and his family.

Usually the bully is responsible for paying a fine. If the bully is a minor, his parents or guardians must pay for it. However, if it turns out that the school is also found to be negligent, it can also be fined, to compensate the victim.

That said, it’s important to remember that the real goal is to stop the bullying. The child in question should feel safe at school and free from threats or aggression.

Speaking up against bullying is very important

What can you do at home?

A bullied child should feel fully supported by his family. The child must also be able to fully trust his family and other involved adults. These two factors are crucial to solving the problem. Children usually speak clearly and honestly when they feel safe, so it is very important that the family listens.

Also, don’t show if you’re in doubt about what your child is telling you. Be calm and proceed with caution. Bullying can have serious consequences. A common consequence is that it negatively affects the student’s self-image. It can also lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and in severe cases, self-mutilation.

As a result, victims of bullying may need the help of a specialist to get over it. They often do poorly in school, are afraid to go to school or suffer from depression. If your child or a child you know shows any of these symptoms, it is important that he or she get professional help.

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